chapter 1: to protect, provide, satisfy his lady

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Beautiful soul

Chapter 1: "I protect you, take care of you, anytime you want something, I will go and get it for you"

Emy always wonder what it would be if she had an older brother. Would she receive all the extra attention from him? Would he buy her gifts, driving her home and going to school, following her to make sure she is safe or Would he be teasing her, sharing cute funny memories together with her?

She knows if she had one, she would have very close and good relationship with her brother as she does with everyone around her.

Emy picked up her mobile phone, throwing it into her personal bag before heading out of the house.

At about the same time, at the opposite house, Emy saw her neighbor- Josh walking out of his house with garbage bag in his hand.

'Should I say hi or not?' 'Does he see me?' 'Would it be a probable act to scream across the street to say hi to him?' 'Would I distract him as he was thinking about something important?'

As Emy continues walking, multiple thoughts rushing in her head. On the other side of the street, Josh has successfully finished putting his stuff to the recycling place in its correct categories.

'As usual, he have never disappointed me to set a great example for me to follow' - Emy thought to herself while unconsciously nodding.

"Hey!!! Emy, Are you going to school??" -She heard him yelled across the street enthusiastically.

Emy froze a second, contemplating her respond before turn around. Josh sprinted across the street and approached her.

She could see his dark blue shirt was pressing against his chest and pale neck as he ran toward her.

Emy swallowed her dry throat, turned away while answering awkwardly:

"HI, Josh. Nice to see you"

'How could he be so charming, he must sense her awkwardness that he came to rescue the situation.'

Emy thought to herself while looking at her shoes laces.

'I thought I could come up to him first but it turn out to be always in my head'.

"How you are doing? Are you heading to school" Josh patiently repeat his question while try to make some eyes contact with her, which he fails because Emy kept looking at different direction.

"...yeah, I am going to"

"OH okay, do you want me to drive you to school?" Josh politely asked.

"Yes...I guess, It would be more convenient for me..." she hesitate as she thought he is so nice. He has always been there for her since high school, like her older brother without expecting anything in return. Josh said that he always want another sibling, which makes sense why he takes extra interest in helping her out. But wouldn't it make him tired if he drive her to school? Sitting in his car is definitely makes her have time to relax compare to driving by herself.

"Okay, so let me wash my hands and get my car."

" it will cost you time and make you feel tired." Emy tries to explain her reasoning as she feel it would be not fair for him to do these nice things for her.

"No, absolutely not. I was about to grab something from Walmart anyways."

"Yeah...I guess..."

"So give me five minutes I will be right back" Josh says nervously as he ran back to his house.

'He always has a very caring nature, it is part of his personality. Like if it is a stray dog or stray cat, he would treat them with the same kindness. He must have always feel attached to me because I live very close to him and we are very friendly toward each other.' Emy thought to herself as she is playing with her bag straps.

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