High Class Alleyway Catastrophes

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Heroes are meant to protect others. They're usually seen as brave, fierce, selfless and/or kind. Some heroes meet some of these expectations. Some heroes meet all of them. However, some people seem to crumble at these expectations and break at the seams. How about we take a look into the story of two of these heroes? Particularly, two heroes in training.

High Class Alleyway Catastrophes

The city of Musutafu is always busy. There's usually never a time or a place where everything is quiet. There's always something going on. Most people in the city are content with that life. Some people would rather have peace and quiet when they go out. For some people, they don't really care what their surroundings are like, as long as they get what they need done. The city was the loudest at certain time periods. One of those periods was 15:30-14:30 (3:30-4:30). All the school children would be on their way home and the streets would be buzzing with joy and laughter as they conversed about their day's.

For some kids, it was like hell to hear those children socialize.

A small rock was thrown at the head of a blue haired student simply trying to walk back home. He could hear laughter behind him and the chanting of names. He didn't hear many of the names, but one name was stuck in his head. Villain-Kun. He almost started crying and put his hands over his ears. The kids saw how this affected him and kept chanting that specific name.

"Villain-Kun! Villain-Kun!" was chanted over and over. By the time the boy made it to a resting and hiding point, he was out of breath and nearly crying. He tried to keep it together for the rest of the trip back, but he couldn't help himself. He found a small corner in some dirty alleyway and cried. He felt so weak and scared, so very fragile and afraid. He could handle being bullied, it was basically his everyday life. What he couldn't handle is being tormented after school. That was supposed to be his time to rest. His time to let go. His time to spend with his sister before she went off to work. But now they're following from school?! He couldn't handle this.

His quirk accidentally activated as he put his hand on the wall to get up. There were sparks coming from the boy, then there was smoke, and before he could look up, there was fire. A big blue fire. The building beside him was burning. People were running out at a fast pace. The boy gasped as he ran away, his hand still on fire and his eyes full of tears with gasoline. The fire spread to the other buildings beside the one burning.

A crowd was gathered around the fires at this point and heroes were on the case before anybody else had been. A news crew was filming, and it didn't take long for people to start watching the commotion on their phones. One of those people watching was a young girl with blue hair like the boy. She was sitting on a sleeping bag with a bookbag by her side. She was looking rather unsettled at her phone. The blue haired girl sighed and got up before hearing heavy breathing and running.

"Zyana!" The boy said distraught.

The girl, Zyana, looked towards the boy and got hit with the scent of gasoline and smoke. The boy was hyperventilating and shaking, feeling lightheaded. Zyana walked towards the boy and wiped away his tears gently.

"Keitall . . . What happened? Did you make this mess?" Zyana said gently, brushing off Keitall's uniform gently.

Keitall was hiccuping and nodding as he fell down and cried his eyes out. Zyana bent down beside him and hugged him gently, not caring that tears of gasoline were dripping down her sweet brother's face.

"T-The kids- I-I didn't mean ta! I-I just- I-I'm never gonna become a hero!" Keitall said between sobs.

Zyana shushed him and comforted him gently. She was so occupied with her little situation, she didn't notice two figures standing on the roof on the building across from her. The two figures were watching the destruction go down and saw the boy running away the whole time. They both had dull looks on their faces as they looked down at the two siblings.

"Damn." The dark haired one started. "That kid is a little dumb. Powerful, but dumb quirk wise. You think people are gonna think this is 'cause of me?"

"Probably." The purple haired one said as he scratched the back of his neck. "You saw how he was crying though? I think his tears were getting set on fire."

"Gasoline tears. Is that his quirk?" The dark haired one said.

"The flames didn't ignite the building with his tears. That was his hand. I don't think he was crying into his hand. So it must be something else fire related." The purple haired one said.

"Damn. Go get a photo of the kid. If things go south, you can just brainwash them into forgetting. I wanna show Opaline those kids. Plus, maybe I can get the boss to let me turn my head to him a little." The dark haired one chuckled.

"Are you insane or just dumb?" The purple haired one said while crossing his arms.

"What? It's just a photo. You can handle that little task, right? Opaline thinks brave guys are so hot, y'know?" The dark haired one said with a hint of glimmer in his eyes.

The purple haired one sighed and slicked his hair back before sighing into his hand once again. "You manipulative scumbag. You better not be lying to me, Dabi."

The dark haired one, Dabi, shoved his shoulder a little and rested his shoulder on the roof ledge. "You would know if I'm lying to you, Hitoshi. Now hurry up and get the photo so we can head back."

Hitoshi grumbled and nodded before using his scarf to get close enough to the kids without being seen. He swung to the nearest rooftop and landed with his phone out. He tried to zoom in to get a closer look at them. Keitall was calming down and holding onto his sister while crying gently. Zyana was letting him cry on her work uniform and whispering comforting words into his ear. Hitoshi felt a bit bad for them, but his remorse wasn't greater than his will. He aimed his camera and was about to tap the photo button. One photo . . . Just one-

"Hey! Leave them alone, dumbass!"

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