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Hitoshi nearly dropped his phone and looked behind him to see who shouted. He had a hutch on who it was, but he just needed to make sure before he went all out. It was exactly who he suspected. Katsuki Bakugo, also known as Dynamight. One of the two Bakugo twins. Arguably the loudest and most rogue of the two. He was approaching rapidly, explosions sparking in his hand. He looked around and hatched a plan. Hitoshi quickly jumped off the roof and ran near the two siblings, tackling them to the ground and shushing them.

"Unless you want to meet god, I suggest you shut up and stay down." He said with venom in his tone. Zyana looked shocked and nodded. She didn't want her and her brother to die, especially so young. Keitall was so stunned, he didn't know what to do. Before the kids knew it, they were tied up and shoved against the wall before hearing something drop from the rooftop above them. Hitoshi looked at Katsuki as he held onto the scarf tying up the children. He had a glare in his eye as he looked at Katsuki.

"Don't attack. One wrong move and I'll squeeze the life out of these two." Hitoshi said as his grip tightened against the scarf.

Katsuki growled and started to heat up his hand as he approached closer. Zyana looked petrified and Keitall was too stunned to actually feel anything at that moment. He still had some tears on his hands and shirt and he felt as if he was going to cry again. Katsuki knew that most of the heroes were busy with the fire so he would have to handle this on his own.

"What the hell do you want with them? They're just civilians. Unless you want to hurt innocent people, you sadistic bastard." Katsuki said with an angry look on his face.

"Nothing much, just a simple photo for a friend. You know how people can be." Hitoshi said with a smirk. "So let's cut this right here so I can get it and go."

Katsuki snarled and analyzed his surroundings to see exactly what he could do. Harming civilians would get him into elbow-deep trouble, so he had to be smart about this. He used one of his explosions to make Shinso back up before grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him against the wall rather harshly. Shinso grunted in pain and kicked Bakugo in the stomach. It hurt a lot, but it wasn't something Bakugo didn't get hit with every day.

As the villain and hero fought, Keitall hyper focused on Bakugo. He had never seen a hero so close up before. It was almost overwhelming. The moves they were throwing out to each other were nothing he had ever seen before. It was like Christmas had come early! Keitall almost felt his heart skip a beat whenever they both missed a move.

Zyana was also looking toward the commotion, but she was focusing more on something in the background. Was that . . . a puddle? A puddle that was made of pure water. Zyana didn't remember the last time it rained but she wasn't gonna complain. She watched as Shinso stepped in the puddle and saw her moment. In an instant, she made the puddle lift Shinso. Then, she released him from the puddle and watched as he fell flat on his face. Bakugo didn't know what happened, but he took the chance to immediately restrain him.

"What the hell? What just-" Shinso was cut off.

"Zyana! Ohmigosh! Did you just do that?!" Keitall said with a bit of bounce.

Zyana looked down at her feet and sighed as she put the water down. She didn't train her quirk for combat. She only used it for general tomfoolery. It was almost terrifying what she could do with her quirk. Bakugo looked at both of them and dragged Shinso towards them. Zyana looked a bit scared, thinking she had just made an extremely terrible mistake. Katsuki bent down to their eye level and glared at them.

There was silence, but then Katsuki picked them both up and shook them out of their scarf restraint.

"You. Blue haired girl, what's your name?" Katsuki said with a glare in his eye.

Zyana backed up against the wall and swallowed the spit in the back of her throat. She felt so scared, not wanting to get in trouble with the law. Katsuki looked annoyed and snapped his fingers to get her to focus.

"Are you deaf? I said, what's your name?" Katsuki asked again with more of a harsh tone.

Zyana snapped back to reality and cleared her throat. She stood straight up and gave a half-hearted smile. This was a hero after all. She was just a civilian. There was no way she wasn't in trouble. Her hands were trembling but she still brought them up for him to shake.

"Zyanitha Cloudswell, sir. Please forgive me fo' my behavior. I was just tryna help a lil bit and it seemed like ya were strugglin'. It won't happen again." Zyana said while she tried to hide the trembling in her voice.

Katsuki looked down at her and sighed before pinching his nose in annoyance. He scratched the back of his neck and looked down at Shinso before staring back at Zyana. He seemed as if he was deciding on something. After a few moments of silence, Katsuki finally spoke up.

"Just . . . Don't do that dumb nonsense again and I won't have to report this. It falls into the category of self defense so I can just let this slide under the rug. I wouldn't want to give you a fine in front of your son." Katsuki said.

"Hey! I'm not her so-" Keitall was interrupted by Zyana.

"Yes yes! Thank ya so much, sir! This ain't gon' happen again, I promise ya." Zyana said quickly.

Katsuki nodded and walked off with Shinso still in tow. Zyana sighed and started packing up their stuff. Keitall looked at Zyana with a bit of a shocked look. He tried to stop her but she quickly stopped him with a gentle hand grab.

"That was too close a call. We gotta get outta this place. Ya fire startin', this incident . . . we gotta find a new home. Get the money backpack, Kei." Zyana said softly.

Keitall felt as Zyana let his hands go. He knew she was being serious. Keitall looked down at his feet and grabbed a drawstring backpack that was very light. Keitall put it on his back and walked with Zyana out the alleyway.

Keitall looked back at the alleyway with a smile on his face. This alleyway wasn't like the others. This one was special. It was where he got his spirit back. His will to live, his will to keep going. This is where he got his determination.

His determination . . . That was a funny word.

In the distance stood a blackish-blue haired woman. Her magenta eyes were hyper fixated on the two children. She couldn't help but feel like they looked familiar. She would worry about that later. For now, she had bigger fish to fry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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