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Bakugou was currently in the library helping put some books away, the librarian offered to pay him if he helped her this evening and he agreed, he needed some money to go and buy stuff he needs.

Bakugou grabbed a book about All Might and skimmed through it, All Might was an OK hero too him he didn't really care about heroism, he just doing the part time vigilante stuff to cure his boredom which did so little.

But he did like being around the trio, he didn't know why they just seem so famillar to him, maybe he has met them before?

"Okay I'm all done" Bakugou says to the librarian, "ah thank you" the librarian smiled pulling out an envelope, he grabbed it and looked through it, it was money.

Bakugou nodded signifying that he meant thank you and left.

Bakugou walked back to his house, it was in a apartment building in Naruhata, it was pretty cheap and not so crowded so he liked it.

He entered his apartment and looked around, he liked it better when it was just him and Knuckleduster.

Bakugou got ready for bed and looked out the window to his apartment, this is probably what Koichi feels everyday.

The next day

Bakugou was walking around a bit bored, he was heading over to Koichi's place but he was making a few pitstops before he headed over.

He stopped at a hardware store to get some stuff for Koichi's costume and Knuckledusters too.

As he looked through tools and stuff he could add to his costume he felt a famillar presence.

Shit that stupid denim head was here why the hell was he here and he wasn't alone he had another hero with him great.

Bakugou sighed and tried to get out of their as fast as he could.

He looked at the screwdrivers deciding which one to get.

"What are you looking at their Bakugou?" He heard a famillar voice, Bakugou was a bit startled but he looked up at him dully.

"Some screwdrivers and hammers" he said to him going back to looking at them, "oh what for?" He asked, Bakugou sighed a bit annoyed.

"Need to fix something at my place" he said, that wasn't a lie he needed to replace some of floorboards so they wouldn't break.

"Hm is that so?" The Pro said and Bakugou quickly grabbed a screwdriver and headed towards where the hammers were.

"So why are you following me?" Bakugou asked as he looked at the hammers, "just wanted to check up on you, especially after you left me and Ingenium so rudely" he said.

"Okay" Bakugou said with his regular face, he could see that he was a bit upset on the way he responded but quickly calm down.

"So you've checked up on me, I feel like your more worried than you should be" Bakugou said, the hero sighed but contiuned to follow him.

"So who's the hero with you?" Bakugou asked and suddenly a hero popped out he thinks he seen this hero before but he can't remember it.

The hero was a ninja one liked and he appeared out of thin air.

Bakugou stared at both of them, Bakugou was about to say something before his phone rung and he quickly took it.


"Hey Zero where you at?" Pop's voice came.

"Oh hey pop, at the hardware store, tell knuckleduster that I might be a bit late" he said.

"Okay, but can you please hurry the old geezer is becoming harsher without you here" Pop said.

Then there was a crash and a bang from the other side of the phone.

"Oh shi- See you!" Pop said quickly hanging up.

Bakugou put his phone away and looked back at the heroes

"I have to go" Bakugou said with his usual monotone voice,Bakugou went past them and Best jeanist grabbed his shoulder and Bakugou in retaliation grabbed his hand and crushed it under his grip but the hero didn't falter.

"Your living conditions are going to change in the future" he said as Bakugou looked at him confused as he let go of him.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked a bit confused, "I think you know what it means" Best Jeanist said, "we have to go now, I'm pretty sure we'll see each other in the future" Best Jeanist said Patting his hair and leaving with the other hero.

Bakugou felt a famillar touch did he know this hero from somewhere?

Bakugo snapped himself out of his own trance and hurriedly got his stuff and headed to Koichi's house.

When he got their he could see Koichi cooking with a bruised face.

But Koichi seemed happy for some reason.

"You're very merry its weird" Bakugou said as he was handed some curry, "yeah apparently he got scouted by a pro today" Pop explained taking a bite of her curry.

"Oh he did?" Bakugou said and Koichi nodded as he help up a business card, "oh the robot hero?" Bakugou said, "Uh no it's Ingenium" Koichi said, "yeah the robot hero" he replied back and he sighed.

"Hey did you hear about the villain who almost hurt Ingenium yesterday?" Pop said and all of them nodded, "well I heard he's back again tonight so it wouldn't hurt to help him out would it?" She asked and they nodded.

"Yeah let's kill this winged devil" knuckleduster smiled as he put his fist into his palm.

Bakugou looked at him and then did the same thing but a lot weaker.

They all got ready and left Koichi's house and went on patrol to see if they could find the guy.

Bakugou was jumping between roofs while reading a book.

"Bakugou you shouldn't really do that it's dangerous" Pop scolded slapping his head when he came to a stop.

The slap it felt famillar, Bakugou looked over at her and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

They both then heard crazy laughter that brought their attention it was the villain and he was heading towards the area.

Koichi then started to move at a fast speed but stopped right where the villain was tripping him and both knuckleduster and Bakugou came and nailed him in the face.

They tied him up and Bakugou took some blood and were about to leave but the robot hero had arrived.

"Who did this?" The hero asked a bit frightened.

"Not many streetlights around here, plenty of abandoned buildings making catching villains tough" Koichi yelled.

"But once you know these means streets, it makes it that much easier to predict where the bad guys gonna run so you gotta cut them off, gotta have a sense for the area!" Bakugou explained to them and Koichi grinned.

They then got ready to leave, "just a couple of people who don't mind lending justice a hand."

"Knuckleduster,Zero,and the crawler!" Koichi said as Bakugou used his explosions, knuckleduster used his grappling hook and Pop used her quirk.

"I'm not apart of this!" She yelled to them.

When they returned home they got ready to leave to their place.

"Good work you guys!" Koichi smiled giving them some onigiris before they left.

Bakugou took a bite of it, "its terrible" he said and Koichi chuckled expecting that from him.

"Be nice!" Pop scolded hitting him on the head again, "well see you guys tomorrow!" Koichi smiled as they left.

Bakugou went back to his apartment and fell on the bed he was exhausted he will analyze the data tommrow and he needs to go back to the idaten agency to go and get the bee he forgot in the water bottle probably useless though.

Bakugou slowly fell asleep not bothering to get under the covers or to change he just wants to rest.

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