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"And now for the moment you've all been waiting for! the winner for the best Halloween costume contest! I'm so excited. And the winner of the grand prize is- Where is the grand prize?" Skully asks as he sees the pumpkin is missing before Harry then tackles someone behind the chair holding the prize as the two fight back and forth like a pin ball machine as everyone quickly gets out of the way watching them.

"Sorry I'm late." Bug-A-Boo says coming through the door as the mysterious person and Harry tackle into him causing Harry to be thrown out of the house and Skully to catch the grand prize.

"Halloween. Bah hum bug." The person says revealing to be Jimmy in his costume before he and Bug-A-Boo look at each other and scream. Bug-A-Boo then laughs as the two stop screaming.

"Aww man! You got me kid. You gave me a great scare. Tonight I'll have to check under my bed to see if you might be there. Put her there pal." Bug-A-Boo says as he shakes Jimmy's hand and also shaking Jimmy in doing so before stopping.

"What?" Jimmy asks as he looks up.

"Hey everybody I think we've got a winner here for best costume. Anyone who can scare Bug-A-Boo deserves it." Scary Godmother says as she uses her matching to pick Jimmy up off the ground.

"Hey I did scare the scariest monster around didn't I? Yea." Jimmy says as he spins before looking much nicer than scary as Scary Godmother puts him down.

"Everyone who thinks Jimmy should win best costume scream." Scary Godmother says as everyone screams.

"Smash it open." Hannah says as Skully hands Jimmy the prize.

"Smash it?... Uh will you help me Hannah?" Jimmy asks nervously.

"Sure." Hannah says as she and Jimmy then smash the pumpkin revealing a bunch of candy as everyone then grabs a piece of candy.

"This has got to be the best Halloween ever." Alexis says.

"I'll certainly remember this Halloween." Orson says as he hands Alexis a piece of candy causing her to smile.

Halloween Love Scary Godmother Halloween Orson X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now