World of Separation

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"Great. Of all the people I could get stuck with at the end of the world, Keith just had to be one of them."

Keith flinched, his head turning to look at Lance, who didn't seem to have any problem voicing the fact he absolutely hated the fact they— they being Lance, Keith, Hunk, and Pidge, discovered when they woke up that morning that everybody else had disappeared.

" Not that I minded ," Keith thought to himself, trying to ignore Lance as he sat there with one leg crossed, his head turned away, as his jaw clenched in an attempt to ignore the fact he now found himself stuck with one of the other cadets who for some reason loved to make his life miserable, always finding something nasty to say. " Everyone I cared about already disappeared. So why did I have to get stuck here with Lance on the day I was planning on leaving the Garrison? "

Keith could only blame his dumb luck, which never seemed to be working in his favor.

"I mean, why couldn't I have been stuck with three hot chicks instead," Lance said, which caused Pidge's face to blush for some reason Keith couldn't put his finger on as he sat there not dressed in the standard uniform, his bag beside him, all packed to leave.

And for some reason, Lance felt the need to add in, "No offense, Hunk."

"None was taken," Hunk said. "Although, I think there are others in this room who would take offense at what you said."

"Who? Keith?" Lance rolled his eyes. "Definitely don't swing that way, but you insinuating that—"

"What are we even talking about?" Keith asked. "Because I'm honestly not following what Lance is saying."

All three stared at him as if he'd grown a second head, or at least he felt like he'd grown a second head.

Keith swallowed. "What?"

"Keith, you do realize," Hunk started to say.

Only, Pidge interrupted him. "What I find offensive is that Lance honestly thinks that if he was the only guy left in the world, that the ladies would want to reproduce with him despite his vulgar behavior."

Keith stiffened, finding himself becoming even more confused. "What? Why? Shouldn't be focusing on finding food or something. Other stuff to survive? What is with this wanting to reproduce stuff?"

Lance gave him a strange look, one Keith didn't like, one that felt like he was being patronized. "You know. Reproduce as in have sex."

"You don't have to be so vulgar," Keith snapped. "I may be a bit slow on some things?"

"Some things?" Lance laughed.

"Lance," Hunk shook his head.

"But I do know what you're talking about without having it spelled out for me."

"Uh, no. You don't," Lance rolled his eyes.

Pidge sighed. "I should add that Lance, and this is one of the reasons the girls wouldn't want to reproduce with him, only cares about the sex part. That, and being their only choice."

"Well, I wouldn't mind watching hot lesbian sex," Lance piped up, making Keith suddenly cover his ears, his cheeks turning red as his brain struggled to understand what was going on, let alone—mentally, he chalked it up to one of those guy things Shiro told him he didn't have to worry about, beyond the fact Shiro didn't want him going and having sex with anyone , let alone dating anyone without talking about it with him.

World of Seperation (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now