Preserving the old, confrontation with reality.

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Standing there,

Knowing there'd be no philosophy I would share,

With any of the pair,

Waiting for the moment I would tear,

'Cause I knew I couldn't bear,

After all, they were being unfair

Concealing it with the term ' care '..

Felt like Life was nowhere,

In this reality that seemed like a nightmare.

In just an year,

I would stand tall with no tear,

But why did it seem like my greatest fear?

The fact that the departure date was so near..

The nightmare was over..

There I was, with a sigh of relief and sorrow,

Doubting if I could get another year to borrow?

But the thought seemed shallow,

And I knew it was gonna be hard to follow,

As presumed, the feeling passed away as time did..

But he again tricked me,

Told me it was just meant to be,

Seeing me plea so desperately,

Had he received glee?

In my mind was a picture,

Of another year of torture..

People call him ' The preacher ',

He was known for his lecture,

As I had already seen the miniature,

I knew, looking at us go through the torture,

The man felt great pleasure,

Was pretty prominent in his gesture,

Oh, what an obnoxious creature!?

Freakin' hazardous to our mother nature.

But this was just the minuscule part,

Could either be deleted or sent to draft..

I found myself trying to keep up with the flow,

Had learned how to return every blow,

Soon it had become a chore,

Everyday had something more,

Some were pleasant like the shore,

Some upsetting like a snore.

I met various kinds of people,

Some were down to earth,

Some well, morons from birth..

But I found you the best of all,

If I had a problem, you'd be the one I'd call..

And when I fall,

You pick me and help me again to stand tall,

So for once and for all..

Thank you, my little Ms.Paul. XOXO

Few tears I shed,

Doing so, I'd like to correct something I said,

that you and I totally misread,

'Cause life was actually, NOW HERE!

It was all just in my head! 

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