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Orange Gets out of bed and rolls to the kitchen. "HI PEAR!" "Hi orange" pear responded to orange in a dreadful sounding voice. "Why the long face bud?" "First of all I am not your bud and second of all it's why the long nose not why the long face." Orange stared blankly at the counter top they were sitting on. Meanwhile pear hear grapefruit scream loud. Very loud. "AHHHHHH!" Grapefruit screamed loudly. "OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Little apple replied looking as shocked as ever. "MY BOTTOM IS ON FIRE! CALL THE FIRE STATION, THE POLICE OR 911!!" Grapefruit almost set the whole room on fire. Meanwhile little apple was trying his hardest to try to pick grapefruit up, but luckily those workouts from earlier came in handy. Little apple lifted up grapefruit up and threw him into a bucket filled with water right beside the closet. "Phew!" Grapefruit sighed with relief "thanks for the help midget apple." "It's little apple! Thank you very much!" "Well your welcome?"

Annoying orangeWhere stories live. Discover now