T.D. 34 : He is Innocent!!

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"You guys aren't doubting him, right?" Minah voices out as the others just stay silently in their position.

"Why are you guys quiet?! Say something!! You guys couldn't be thinking the same way right?" Minah looks at each of them furiously, but still no response.

"Hyunwoo ya.. Hongbin ah.. He was just with us. Why were you quiet when Prosecutor Lee questioned you that?" Minah couldn't stop processing.

Hongbin lets out a soft sigh.
"Because, I really wasn't with him. We split up half way and met again at the lobby hours after." Hongbin answers.

"But.. he can't be the one. He might have just gone somewhere else." Minah still couldn't believe it.

"Well, I can't lie. Come to think of it, he wasn't around when you were negotiating with that psycho. That fact alone makes it possible that it could be his voice." Hongbin utters.

"He just left cause I told him to.. he was just outside." Minah states.

"He wasn't.." Seungho voices out.
"I'm sorry but.. he wasn't outside with us when you started the call. After he left the room, he just said he couldn't bear seeing you talking to that psycho as it would enraged him. So he went away until you ended the call." Seungho explains though it's hard for him to believe too.

"Yoo timjang.. but.." Minah looks at Dasom who gives her a nod, confirming what Seungho just said.

"This is crazy.. I.. I can't believe it.." Minah holds her head, feeling disturb and dizzy. Especially when she's suddenly reminded of something.

That day when she took a walk in town and received the phone call from the psycho. She felt as if he was around, then Mark suddenly shown up. It didn't made her suspicious at all till now. Not to mention the many times he coincidentally show up everytime things happened.

Minah quickly brushes off her thought. Convincing herself that he really shouldn't suspect him too.

"I'm sorry, Minah ya.. It's hard to believe but they found evidences. Let's just wait until further confirmation." Hyunwoo also voices out.

Minah looks at him unbelievably. How could he just said that. When she has slowly put her trust on him again.

Jiyeon then walks to her and grabs her shoulder to comfort her.
"You're tired. You should take a rest first. Let's figure this out after.."

"No!! I'm not going to rest. I trust him and I'll prove to everyone that he's innocent. Even without this stupid title." Minah takes off her badge, throwing it away along with her cuffs.

"Unfortunately, You can't see nor talk to him yet. He'll be under close investigation and you're in no title to see him. You just threw away your respective badge." Mr. Cha speaks up.

Minah just smirks in anger.
"I don't think that so-called respective badges have anything to do with earning the title. Even without it, I can prove to you that I'm worth enough for the title Detective. And who says I'm going to see him? I believe he could handle things on his own as he's a very capable detective."

"Then, where are you going?" Bogum asks out.

"I'm going to see my dear sister.. and talk to my ex-fiance." Minah replies before storming out, leaving the others speechless.

"That's a unique way for her to say that she's going to cause trouble." Hyunwoo muttered that only Hongbin could hear and nodding in agreement.


Minah wipes her tears as she sees Hyeri's body. She can't believe that someone who was just with her couples of days ago has gone in such a cruel way.

How many more must she lose? Everyone who is close to here has gone one by one. She's determined to stop this for real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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