Chapter I

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"Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift."
Mary Oliver



On Hallows Eve, 1981 31st October, Saturday, there were two boys at Godric's Hallow, Potter cottage. On the silent and lonely night, a hooded and cloaked figure strode towards Potter cottage. With a powerful Alohomora charm and the aid of a stunner, both the oak wood door and James Potter were down.

The figure then proceeded to march up the stairs and stunning another person. Lily Potter née Evans.

He leered into the crib, almost mockingly, at the two infants. One had messy red hair, muddy brown eyes and had quite some baby fat. Voldemort was getting irritated by each second with every cry of the red-head. Having done with the fifteen month old, he cast an silencing charm at the laughable baby, who's magical core was just about an average infants.

The boy next to him was different in every way.

He had silky raven hair, lean and skinny frame, and the brightest emerald eyes the Dark Lord had ever seen. His magical core was just as big as Voldemort, who had a malicious and sorry glint in his ruby eyes.

 "Apologies my child, but you must be killed. The prophecy says so otherwise...Forgive me..."

The Dark Lord lifted his wand and spoke the words that ruined the life's of many. What Voldemort didn't know was that was his last moment until the travelling thirteen years of his life.

When Voldemort threw the killing curse, the shield of the brunette baby was so powerful, that it shattered the windows of the room. One shard of glass hit Evan straight on the cheek, creating a deep gash that couldn't be healed, either by Magic or the Muggle way.

Voldemort let out a blood curling scream that rang through the silent night of Hallows Eve, before turning into nothing but mist and vapour into thin air as if he never existed.

The twins laid there for god knows how long before they heard a noise of apparition and footsteps of their two Godfathers.

"JAMES! WAKE UP! RENNERVATE!" The voice of Sirius Black yelled followed by a groan and two sighs of relief.


The scurrying of three humans lead up the stairs of the cottage, where Lily was lying motionless, but very much alive.

"Rennervate," Remus muttered more calmly than Sirius did, earning a groan from the auburn haired woman. "Thank god James your alright! THE TWINS!" She rambled, scrambling up and rushing towards the crib that held the two infants.

They all let out sighs of relief at the sight of the twins still alive, but a bit worried of the gash on Evan's cheek and Harrison's forehead. All they knew was they were safe. For now at least.

"I'll floo to Albus!" James said hurriedly, rushing to the fireplace and disappearing within jade flames, and reappearing in said flames with an man around eighty who had white hair and beard, half-moon glasses, twinkly blue eyes and the most bazaar magenta robes. 

"I see Voldemort has made an appearance," the man chuckled. "Looks like one of the children are the vanisher of the Dark Lord. But I presume we need to go to Poppy to heal them both before I check their magical cores."

The residents smiled at the man's antics, while James and Lily picked up the two fifteen month olds.

Let's say, flooing with a baby in your arms isn't the easiest. Making sure the children stop wriggling and don't topple over...

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