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Full name: iris candella

Age: 23

Gender: cisgender female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: pansexual

Blood type: A+

Personality: iris is a very sociable, outgoing and carefrew gal. One of the many reasons she joined the academy as a teacher is that she loves to teach and help students improve their knowledge on a certain topic or subject. On that matter, she's also quite curious. Mostly about certain phenomenons, such as the terastallizing or pokemon evolutions and the effects they have. She isn't one to know a lot about pokemon battles, lacking practical knowledge, but she does try to explain the topic at hand as easy and as understandable as possible, including factor that one might need to watch out for in said battles.
She's absolutely ecstatic for experiments and analysing new data, although reading/theorizing isn't the most exciting part of chemistry and science.
All in all, iris is very passionate about the subject she's teaching, science, and tries to awake the same Interests in her students.


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132.3 lbs

Hair color: platinum blonde

Hair lenght & style: lenght-wise they reach up to her chin, they usually aren't style much. A go-to hairstyle is a half-bun, since it keeps possibly bothersome lost strands of hair out of her face

Eye color: a shade of purple; amethyst

Skin color: Rose beige

Face claim: 

Scars/marks: none clearly visible, besides a few scars on her hands from former experiments

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Scars/marks: none clearly visible, besides a few scars on her hands from former experiments. She does have a birthmark near her left eye

Piercings: one on each earlobe, a helix on her left ear

Tattoos: none

Attire: Usually a simple long-sleeves matched with a lab coat or cardigan. Color-wise, it isn't very bright, usually on the grey/white/black/beige spectrum. Those are matched with either a long skirt and thighs, or some loose jeans.

Accessories: Mostly golden jewelery, usually on the more plain side



* loud/shrill noises
* being bothered a bunch if times while being engrossed in a certain task
* bitter food
* lack of sleep
* stress


* coffee. No further explanation needed
* interacting with students/children
*receiving new hints/making progress on research on a certain topic
* sleeping in after a long, restless night
* receiving praise on her work
* flowers, they smell nice and look pretty on her wirk desk

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