Chapter 15.

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*Kristen's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes. My head was on Liam's chest and he had his arm around me. It felt so right. I could get used to waking up like this. I tried getting up but Liam's grip tightened.

"Where do you think you are going?" he said opening his eyes.

"To eat. Is that okay with you?" I chuckled.

"Nope," he said as he pulled me back down and wrapped his other arm around me. I looked up and gave him a death stare. He laughed and kissed my forehead. I sighed. Liam was much stronger than me so there was no way I was getting out by using strength. I had a backup plan though. I had found out he was ticklish.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked looking down.

"Because this is America and I can. I can also do this," I said before digging my fingers into his ribs. He loosened his grip and I quickly jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. I heard Liam's footsteps follow as I ran down the stairs. I had almost made it to the kitchen when I felt his cold hands on my hips. He pulled me back and turned me around so I could face him. He threw me over his shoulder and walked to the living room.

"Let me down!" I laughed.

Liam flipped and turned me around so that he was now holding me bridal style. He plopped on the couch with me on his lap. We were both laughing our heads off. He wrapped his arms around me so where I couldn't make another escape.

"You know I have to get revenge right?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly.

"You know I heard from a little lizard that you are VERY ticklish," he continued. Lizzy. Of course she would tell him that. I started to try to wiggle out of his arms but it was no use. He laughed. I hated being tickled.

"What if, I make you breakfast?" I asked looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He thought about it for a second.

"Nope!" he said with a smirk on his face. Well crap. He gently placed his lips to mine. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to distract me so I wouldn't see it coming. It wasn't gonna work. I wasn't gonna let him win. Not this time. But my mind went blank, just like it always did when we kissed. Before I knew it, his hands were on my stomach tickling me.

"Liam!" I gasped between the laughs. "Liam.. Can't... Breathe.. Please... Stop..!" He finally stopped and threw me over his shoulder again.

"You know, this isn't a very nice way to treat a woman." We made it to the kitchen and he put me down on the counter.

"What's for breakfast?" he asked stealing a kiss. I laughed.

"You are adorable. You know that right?" I said as I jumped off the counter and searched the cabinets. I heard him laugh. His laugh was just so cute. I pulled out two bowls, the milk, and my favorite cereal, Fruity Pebbles. I took the items to the dining room and sat down. I realized I had forgotten my spoon. Liam walked in and handed me a fork.

"Ever had cereal with a fork?" he asked as he sat down.

When we were finished, we decided to go on a walk. Some how Liam had a bag of clothes with him. We changed and walked out the door. We walked hand in hand to the park that was a few minutes down the road. We were almost to the park when we passed the coffee shop where Liam and I first met. I looked at some of the magazines on display and stopped dead in my tracks. I pulled Liam back and pointed to one of the magazines. It read:

"Is One Direction's Liam Payne and Niall Horan falling for the same girl?"

Below it was a picture of Liam and I kissing and next to it was a picture of Niall and I hugging. I hugged Niall because he made Lizzy happy again and Liam knew it. He was standing right there when I hugged him! Now all the fans will hate me. I felt a few tears begin to run down my cheek and Liam quickly wiped them away. He lead me away from the shop and to the park. We sat down under a huge oak tree.

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