𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 11-𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚

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The mind fairy was feeling big guilt after what she has done to cause Riven's outbreak these two weren't talking today after that scene they were only walking past each other without telling a word or look into their eyes.

The night already came in Alfea the Winx fairies were planning to go out for some girls night expect one fairy Musa she hated those nights even the parties she wasn't fan of them "You really won't come with us?" Beatrix asked her roommate who was writing her homework the fairy looked at Beatrix and nodded then she got back writing the homework for tomorrow.

Beatrix could see something was going on with Musa but she would ask her later the girls were already ready and waited for her the air fairy left the mind fairy and walked out with the girls for their party night.

When Musa heard the door gets closed and not any single voice from the Winx fairies the fairy close her notebook and put her head on the bed finally a silence I guess the fairy thought closing her eyes to rest a bit she didn't need rest at all she need to clean her head.

Musa sighed a bit she got up from the bed and worn her purple jacket then she left the suite to take some fresh air, while she was walking down the big corridor of silence she felt someone's emotions from very far side of the school she knew these emotions the fairy tried to ignore them to stop thinking about him but nothing worked for god sake Musa focus he is a fucking devil nothing else Musa thought in her mind but again she felt his emotions the fairy gave up from the ignoring those emotions and walked at the direction where she felt them.

Musa walked at the south wing where the specialists were making parties but before to be a party room it was used for war tets the fairy smelt a smoke again from a cigarette she knew he was here then she saw his shadow on the big wall with rocks on it the fairy stopped for a moment and looked at the specialist he wasn't wearing any shirt only jeans his gold  cold necklace was neck and a cigarette was in his mouth as usual the fairy bit her lips for a moment she doesn't know why she is doing it something really weird was happening with her possibly getting feelings for this boy.

He has nice abs the fairy thought still biting her lips and then Riven turned around removing his cigarette and saw the tiny mind fairy here a big smirk came on his face "Well well who is stalking who now?" "I'm not stalking you I'm just... I'm just here to apologize " Musa said awkwardly she still stared at his body he noticed it and get a bit closer to the fairy she tried to avoid how close he was but it wasn't working at all.

The specialist looked at the mind fairy they both did another eye contact with sparks "What's wrong little fairy?" he asked her in flirty deep voice pinning her to the wall the mind fairy was in big silence like someone took her voice from her she didn't even slap him or even threatened him "Can you uhm move a bit?" That's what she said she felt super awkward right now the boy could see how she was getting awkward and he decided to take that in advantage for him.

Riven slowly moved his hand and gently grabbed Musa's chin they didn't have any distance between the fairy was staring at him her brain was screaming kiss him and her heart was beating faster the butterflies in her stomach were getting more and more nervous and then she felt his lips on hers she looked shocked for a bit but then she slowly close her eyes and kissed him back.

The mind fairy realized what she was doing she fastly pulled away from the specialist and pushed him away from her "That was a big mistake" the fairy said and stormed away the specialist stared at how Musa was leaving he put his cigarette back and thought in his mind she will be mine.

Meanwhile the mind fairy stopped walking for a bit she standed to a wall and put her head on it  and touched her lips she will admin it the kiss wasn't bad at all she still can't believe he kissed her lips Musa was thinking Riven clearly would be mad at her and his feelings to disappear but for her surprise that guy was still into her.

The fairy felt a small smile with blush appearing on her face and walked back at her suite thinking about her first kiss with that crazy specialist maybe he wasn't that bad as what he was showing in front the fairy maybe if she get more closer to him she will see his other side not the one who shows.

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