Chapter 1

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Ten minutes.

Five minutes.

Two minutes.

"We're here Harry."

Breathe in. Breathe out.

You're safe. You're okay. He can't get you.

Hopping out of the car and walking into the stadium shouldn't be as hard as it is for me. Not talking about my temporary limp, but about the stadium itself.

I never thought I would be at a stadium again. I thought I had passed all that and started a new life. Yet another thing that has proved me wrong.

"Harry. It's good to see you, hope you're doing well."


Shut your mouth. Don't respond. You've been taught well.

Things have changed, I have to remind myself.

I offer a slight nod. That was good enough for now right? I'm recovering well, right?

Gemma pulls me into the stadium, Paul leading the way so we don't get lost.

I don't know how to feel about this. Will it be good for me to get on the stage again? I've been held back for so long. For too long.

As we walked backstage, the nerves spread throughout my body, sending me to grab my sister's arm with a force, however I continued walking.

"You're okay Harry, everything will go great." Gemma whispered comfortingly from my left side.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

"Are they all going to be in there?" I take my hand off her arm to sign to her. Don't talk, don't talk.

"Yes Harry, but don't worry." She looks up at me, and upon seeing the anxious expression on my face, she adds, "Paul, Simon, and I will all be there as well. You won't be alone."

Nerves slightly soothed, I walk on, anticipating what's about to happen.

Just a few more steps and Paul opens the door, the outdoor light shining through the gap.

Standing in the middle of the stadium, are the four boys and the manager I was taken away from.

Not taken, just separated. I need to keep my thoughts in check.

Almost there. Paul clears turns to us, silently asking Gemma with his eyes if I'll be able to handle this. He noticed the way I'm acting. I'm acting too suspicious. Too much pressure, too much pressure.

I stop and turn around, looking around the stadium. It's Wembley Stadium. Massive. Big to start a reunion tour with. Do people still like us even? Has the fandom died? Everyone's going to hate my voice, I just know it. Everyone's going to despise me.

Breathe. How do you breathe? Breathe.

Someone's touching my upper arm. I flinch slightly and look down, seeing my sister staring back at me with concerned eyes. Giving her a small smile, that probably looked sadder than I wanted it to, reassuring her that I'll be okay for at least a little while.

She gently leads me back to the group who had started conversing with Paul while I was lost in my thoughts.

I look over each of them shortly. They've all grown up. Tears spring to my eyes and I bite my tongue so they don't fall.

They're staring back at me now, but I've got my gaze set on one.

Running into his arms, my composure breaks and the salty tears glide down my face. Sobbing into his shirt, everyone stares in astonishment.

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