
469 11 23

"hello Xavier.."
you answered, looking down at the floor.

"oh how i missed you dear.."
he said, grabbing your chin.

"back off."
Kazuha defended, pushing Xavier away.

"..hm..hello to you too Kazuha.."
Xavier finally recognized the male,
"how have you two been..?"

"better without you around. what do you want?"
Kazuha asked.

The tension around you guys was harsh.

"not happy to see me? well, I'm here to take back what's mine.."
Xavier answered, pulling you over to him by your wrist harshly.

You winced.

You felt as if all your veins popped open.

The pain that caused was severe.

A familiar somebody kicked Xavier to the floor.

you were surprised to see him, and thankful, of course.

Kuni said, gently grabbing your wrist and running into the school.

Kazuha followed close behind.

"who was that?"
Kuni asked, trying not to show his worrying.

"that was my ex.."
you replied frowning.

Kuni hummed a "oh."

Kazuha said goodbye and went to his class.

You and Kuni had the same class.

You two walked silently to your class.

Thankfully, you made it in time.

You and Kuni sat down in your seats.

Which is still next to eachother.

"Okay class. We have a new student, please make him feel comfortable,"
Mr. Zhongli said.

You love Mr. Zhongli!

He's a great teacher.

He used to teach History, but then they decided to move him to Math.

He's good in both subjects.

Although...you aren't..

"Please welcome..Xavier to our school,"
Mr. Zhongli added.

You put your head down, avoiding eye contact.

You would rather die than be in the same school as him.

"You may sit next to Y/n,"
he told Xavier.

you groaned.

why...why Mr. Zhongli?

There are so many other open seats and he gave him the one next to you.

"hello sweetheart.."
Xavier greeted.

you didn't want to answer, so instead you pretended to sleep.

You felt somebody rub your back soothingly.

You pretended to just wake up.

You stretched and looked at Kuni.

He was smirking at Xavier.

You noticed his hand was..on your back.

Your face flushed.

todays gonna be a long day..

you can't say you didn't like it though..


𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵.. Scaramouche x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now