𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗹..

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You all left shortly after, Xiao went back to working and the sound of shinunoga e-wa slowly grow faint as you all headed towards the mall.

To your surprise, it wasn't THAT far from the café.

Just a few blocks down.

You all entered and were greeted by a cold gust of wind.

Always gives you the chills.

You looked around the mall from where you were standing.

It was absolutely stunning.

Lights bordered most stores' entrances.

A large Christmas Tree was placed in the middle.

It was decorated nicely, the theme being pink and gold.

You softly smiled to yourself.

"Well? What are you waiting for idiot."
You heard Kuni say, which made you snap out of your thoughts.

You just then saw that Childe and Signora were already at the Jewelry Store to your left.

"Oh, right. Sorry,"
you said, running over to Childe and Signora with Kuni following close behind.

You noticed Signora was holding a shit ton of things.

"Get whatever you want girlie!"
Childe smiled.

"I'm okay.! These are all so expensi-"
you replied.

"Are you doubting me?"
Childe asked sarcastically.

"No! That's not what I me-"

he said, while handing you a couple of $100 bills along with an expensive necklace, being..


what was he..? A sugar daddy..?

"uhhh Childe..?"
you called, kinda nervous.

"Yes girlie?"
He grinned.

"Are you sure about this?"
you asked with a pretty fake smile.

"of coursee! Get what you want!"
he sounded a bit unsure.

When he turned his back you quickly put the necklace back and slipped the $100 bills in his pocket.

Soon enough, Signora went to the cashier with basically the whole store in her hands.

Childe took out his wallet and payed.

The look on the cashiers face was priceless as they saw how much Signora was getting. It only got funnier when Childe "actually" payed. You wanted to laugh so badly but you held it in. I mean, you wouldn't wanna seem rude or maniac-like. He kinda forgot about you though. But, that was alright! Since you didn't want to trouble him or his bank account.

When you all headed out people stared.

Probably because we walked out of the most expensive store in the mall with a big ass bag.

You all still had TONS of more shopping to do.

"Where do you wanna go girlie?"
Childe asked.

You didn't like choosing on the spot. But..there was a really cute clothing store that fit your liking.

You smiled and began walking towards the store. They followed, of course.

This store was definitely your style.

"Y/n..the store is all yours. These kinds of outfits don't fit me..though, they would certainly look good on you.." Signora smiled.

𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵.. Scaramouche x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now