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Miller Langley

"Why do you need this guy's address again?"

I stop my pacing at his words, turning my head to look at him in front of his computer screen. I sigh at the thought of him still not understanding how this works.

Peter is one of our tech guys here at the base. He's fresh out of school, clearly very talented in the tech department, but the poor guy still seems a little bit weary of all of this. My dad knows what he's doing, he's picked the best people out there to be on our team and even if little old Pete is a bit of a scaredy cat– at the end of the day he's one of us, and he won't break.

"Look, Peter, I told you I'd get you a date with Eponine alright? Therefore, you don't get to ask any more questions. So just get me his address and then we can both pretend this never happened." My voice comes out cold and annoyed, but then again that's pretty normal for me anyways.

The one thing to note about Peter is that he was completely enamored with Eponine from the moment he was introduced to her. I mean who wouldn't be? I even had a crush on E when I first met her, but that's a story for another time. Now, he's not her type for a couple reasons. One, she would never go for a younger guy. Eponine has been into older guys ever since I've known her– something about her daddy issues coming into play. And two, she wouldn't be interested in anyone remotely close to being considered "the help." If there's one thing about E, it's that she's gonna marry up the ladder, not down it.

However, just because Eponine wouldn't necessarily go for a guy like Peter, doesn't mean I can't use it as leverage to get what I want out of him.

"Right, of course. Sorry Ms. Langley." He anxiously responds as he refocuses on his computer screen in front of him.

"Just keep typing Pete." I reply with a pat on his back before continuing my pacing behind him.

The base, as we call it, refers to the warehouse that is the hub of our entire operation. It's nothing huge, just big enough for the people apart of our team to all have an office of their own, the training gym, and a weapons division underground.

A necessity for us here is to go unnoticed. If we draw attention to ourselves– we all go down. Keeping the team and the base small helps us stay under the radar, and be able to continue our work.

Our operation consists mainly of four departments. Tech/research, weapons, training, and the hitmen. The tech guys help with researching our targets– learning about them, finding them, knowing their next move. The weapons people keep track of any and all weapons that enter and exit the building. This consists of anything from a gun to a bomb to a pocketkife. If it's a company weapon it's tracked by them. They also help the hitmen choose which method of elimination would be most effective for each target– but, personally, they just let me do what I do best.

The trainers help to make sure any new hitmen we hire are ready for anything to come their way, in the field or out. Training from all things weapons to physical fighting and even some technology training– anything and everything to make the operation run as smoothly as possible. And then there's the hitmen themselves. We take the information provided and eliminate our targets efficiently and effectively.

Like I said, my dad hand picks the best, making us the leading hitmen group in the United States. That's why we all travel so much too– people from all around the world know about Xavier Langley and want him to carry out their bidding. Since we're so small he hand picks the cases making sure only to select the ones that deserve his help. We may be emotionless hitmen, but that doesn't mean the people we're killing don't deserve it. My dad has promised to be selective with his cases to ensure the annihilation of the world's worst people.

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