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this is a double update so be sure you read chapter twelve first <3

Harry Styles

Home sweet home.

After my third shift in a row this week, I'm ready for the weekend— just me and my little guy.

Even though I still haven't been back in the field, Poppy's been giving me any other task she can find. It's gotten to the point where my desk days are more tiring than my in the field ones.

Zayn's been trying to convince me to get back out there, but I really don't think I'm ready yet. A little more time away will be good for me. I just don't want to come back before I know I'm ready or something bad might happen because of it.

But that's not tonight's problem.

Tonight I get to put Phin to bed and even get myself to sleep a little early. It'll be a cuppa and then lights out for me.

Turning my car off, I grab my bag and hop out. I lock the car doors behind me I walk up the small sidewalk and unlock our front door.

While I open the door I hear my two favorite voices halt their contagious laughter as a smile spreads across my lips in turn. Attempted quiet whispers from my son to my mum keeps the warm feeling in my chest as I put my bag down and kick off my shoes.

The soft pitter patter of small feet only intensifies the goofy grin I've got going on as I begin to make my way down our front hall. When my eyes lock on a blonde head of curls flopping up and down as he runs towards me, my heart just about bursts.

"Daddy!" Phineas exclaims, and I manage to lower myself just fast enough to allow him to crash into my chest, my arms wrapping around him in a tight squeeze before lifting him up to rest on my hip.

"I missed you so much, buddy." I exaggerate my tone a bit to show just how much I really did miss him today.

Phin begins to almost die laughing at my words. A bit confused, I pull back to look at him. "Why are you laughing so much?"

"I just saw you this morning." He speaks so maturely, talking with his hands and eyes a bit widened.

Letting out a small and playful scoff, I can't believe the words coming out of his mouth. "Yeah, but I still missed my best friend," I tell him.

"You're funny, daddy." He speaks while shimmying out of my hold. As soon as his little feet hit the ground he's running back down the hall and into our living room, where I'm sure my mom is sitting.

With a small amused scoff, I follow him into our living room where –as I assumed– he's jumping into the arms of my mum who is sitting on my couch.

"Oh I see how it is, Phin. Nannie's number one huh?"

"Nannie's the best! She gives me sweets before dinner." He replies unbothered.

"Oh does she?" I question, directing my words more to my mum than to Phin.

"Phineas Grayson Styles!" My mum exclaimes, less in a reprimanding way and more so in a 'how could my confidant rat me out' kind of way. Her eyes enlarge as she turns to look at him in her lap, and it's as if he forgot until then that he was supposed to keep it a secret, because his eyes widen just like hers as he lets out a dramatic gasp and covers his mouth with his hands.

"It was Nannie it was Nannie!" Phin throws her under the bus without a second thought, and all I can do is laugh. I can't blame him for wanting sweets before dinner– hell, that's how his mum always did it.

"Phineas, you said you wouldn't tell," my mum laughs with me, bringing so much joy to me after a long day of work.

This is all I want forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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