Chapter 1

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{Baal POV}

"OK! I'll get up, so just stop hurting me!"

As I woke up I was greeted by Arthur's morning screams, as well as an uninterested Sylvie yawning as she crawled under a pillow to get away from the noise. Crawling over Arthur who was now getting dressed, I asked.

''Hey can you scream a little quieter in the mornings?''

He just glared at me while mumbling.

"I just don't get what her problem is..."


I just deadpanned him.

''She has feelings for you.''

He just shook his head, denying the possibility.

"Stop making things up"

And hearing that response, I could feel my PTSD kick in. 

'This emotional density... no way. Did the old man also reincarnate Sun Jin Woo?'

Now preoccupied with such thoughts I didn't pay attention as Arthur pick me and Sylvie up, to bring us to the training grounds.


{Arthur POV}

Falling back, I deactivated my beast will.

"Damn gramps, are you trying to cripple me!?"

"Haha! What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"

And as gamps was laughing his ass off noticed a very faint presence near Tess. And making a split second decision I shot a fire ball at the presence, unsure what it was. 

"That's not very nice~"

What I was met with was a dark haired elf, smirking as she dispelled the fire. And gramps, noticing her presence asked.

"Hm? Aya, what are you doing here?" 

She shrugged.

"It's my day off, and I was bored. So I decided to check out your disciple~"

I felt a slight shiver run down my spine as her black eyes turned to me, before finally turning to the bored dragons. 

"Oh~ are these the rumored dragons~"

And then without another word, she picked up Baal.

"Wait don- Hm?"

Nothing happened, Baal just opened his eyes and glanced at Aya before closing them again. 

"Hey brat. Wasn't something big supposed to happen if someone picked up Baal?"

I just nodded absentmindedly before smirking. 

"Oh Baal, were you just bluffing~"

The dragon once again opened his eyes, however this time they were glowing golden, and he spoke in a voice that everyone seemed to hear. 

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