Chapter 1

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"Fuck Pete you are perfect baby" Vegas panted making Pete moan.
"T-thank you m-master" Pete stuttered out through his clenched teeth, his handcuffs were digging into his skin was painful but he can't say that he didn't like it.

The pain from his wrist and the pleasure from Vegas pounding into him was enough to push him over the edge and make him come across his stomach with a loud moan. Vegas followed close behind spilling his cum inside the condom then flopped onto Pete's chest.

After staying in that position for quite a long time Vegas finally got up and slipped out of Pete's warmth. Leaving Pete feeling empty and craving for him instantly.

"Pete I think you should get going" Vegas says in a cold voice making Pete flinch
"Okay" he replies in a small voice, though he doesn't know how he is going to follow Vegas's command as his hands are still attached with the headboard and the metal handcuffs are still digging painfully into his wrists.

Noticing his mistake Vegas sighs and then proceeds to walk towards his bed's headboard.
Pete hears shuffling and clicking of metal and then his wrists are free but before he can pull them to himself and inspect the damage made by the handcuffs his wrists were again captured but this time by a pair of rough but gentle hands.

Pete looked up and his eyes met a sight which made his heart do stupid cartwheels. He sees Vegas holding his wrists in his hands, his eyes dark looking at Pete's wrists, which Pete now noticed are bloody and bruised, but what made Pete's heart react was the emotion in Vegas's eyes which resembled to possibly regret?

Pete watched as Vegas pulled Pete's bloodied wrists towards his face and licked them, making Prte shiver.

"Master" Pere whimpered which supposedly broke whatever spell Vegas was under and made him look at Pete.

Vegas smiled and put his hand on Pete's head "You did good pet, but you hurt yourself let master take care of you ok?" Vegas answered still smiling which made butterflies erupt in his "pet's" tummy.

"O-ok, whatever m-master wants" Pete said wondering himself why he was stuttering but then again Vegas's presence makes him crazy and do some stupid shit.

Vegas's face broke into a shit eating grin " Good boy" he praised and Pete felt his hair being ruffled which made him purr.

Vegas laughed "Someone is in their headspace"he said.
Pete doesn't specifically know what that means but he let it slide when he feels the bed beside him dip and he felt a cold sensation on his wrists and felt fleeting kisses being placed on his wrists.

"Hey Pete why are your hands bandaged ? Who dared to hurt you huh!?" Khun No yelled making me jolt.

"No one Khun, I hurt my wrists during training" I said biting my tongue afterwards feeling guilty for lying to my boss.

"Oh.. Hey Pete you won't do any training until your wrists get better that is my order ok?" Khun No says in his usual loud voice.
I just gave a small nod which seemed to satisfy him as he goes back to watching the obnoxious drama playing on the screen which we have already seen multiple times before.

I sigh letting my head fall backwards, my brain wandering to a certain someone.
I think back to our last "interaction". His gentle touches and kisses to my wrists had surprised me and made my tummy erupt in butterflies.

Fuck now I want to see him again, I groaned inwardly remembering how I had to decline Vegas's offer to meet up today because I had a movie night with Khun No.

Maybe he is having a fun time without me, maybe he is enjoying with someone else, fucking into them-

My thoughts made me feel outraged and sick to the stomach.

"Khun can I go back my room? I am not feeling well"
Khun No started to protest but when he looked at my face he probably saw something and let me go reluctantly.

I know this is pathetic, I know I shouldn't be sulking at the thought of my boss's sworn enemy having sex with someone else, but I can't help it the thought of Vegas being inside someone else to be connected with someone else the way he does with me makes my blood boil.
Before my mood can get worse I push the door to my room open with full intention of stripping out of my work clothes and shoveling ice cream down my throat and drown in self pity, and pain of one sided l-

My eyes winden as soon as the door to my room opens.
There he was sitting on my couch in all his natural glory looking like he owned this place and all the people here, which he kinda did considering the fact that I am the only person present in his vicinity.

"Vegas" I yelped, slapping my mouth shut with my hands right after, regretting my action immediately.
If anyhow Khun Kinn and/or Khun No gets to know that Vegas is in their house at the middle of the night there will sure be a nasty fight which for sure is the last thing I want or need.

Vegas looked away from the painting on the wall he was watching so intently and eyes trail towards me.

"Vegas what are you doing here?" I ask in a hushed voice closing the door of my room hurriedly.

Vegas lets out a chuckle and "Well hi to you too baby" he says in english with amusement evident in his eyes. He stood up from up from the couch and walks towards me with so much confidence radiating off of him that it made me feel small and my plain boring room dull.

He walked towards me until his body was pressed against mine and cupped my ass "I missed my pet so much I could not stay away anymore" he says kissing my jaw afterwards.
I melted instantly into his touch, which a part of my brain screams at me is wrong but I don't care I missed him too and the thought of him coming to me instead of going to someone else to satisfy himself made me feel giddy and happy.
So I Iet my head fall backwards and let him take whatever he wants from me. I even let him do it with my whole body.

I let him use my body the whole night and let myself feel the pleasure he was giving me and let him take the control over everything.

It felt so right and relaxing letting someone else take the control while I just follow their commands. It felt right and relaxing especially with the man who was presently my "Master".

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