Chapter 12

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Vegas's POV

I think post nut clearance is a real thing.

After I came, my mind cleared, the cloud of anger subsiding making my logical brain take over again.

I came back to my senses and the scene infront of me horrified me.

Pete is standing infront of me, no scratch that, more like leaning on the door infront of him. His back facing me, his neck covered with bruises and bite marks, his shoulders shaking, the sound of quiet sobbing reverberating through the air.

I look down to see his lower back is bruised as well. His ass bright red and I realise I am still inside of him.

I quickly pull out of him, cursing seeing my dick is still half hard. Fucking sucks when seeing your partner cry and bruised turns you on.

Whoa partner? Where did THAT come from!?

I shut off my obnoxious thoughts and decide to focus on Pete for the moment.

I quickly wear my pants correctly and try to put a gentle hand on Pete's shoulder.

"Pete-" I start but quickly stop in my tracks when I see him flinch just from my voice.

I really don't know what to do. Pete's whole body is shaking and if it wasn't for the support of the door I sure as fuck know he would be lying on the floor.

I again try to turn Pete around to get him to face me. This time I grab a hold of his waist with both of my hands and though he flinches, this time I don't pull away.

I support his body weight with both my arms, fuck again that fucker's name he really can't leave me alone. I wonder what consequences I will face if I introduce that fucker to my "favourite room".

'Focus Vegas focus' I remind myself and pull my attention back to the very fragile looking angel in my arms.

I slowly turn Pete around and when his face fully comes into my vision I could feel my half hard dick getting fully hard in my pants.

Pete looks like fucking sin. His hair all messed up, his wide eyes, glassy innocently looking at me through his wet eyelashes, his lips bleeding from maybe all the bitings he does to keep himself grounded whenever he gets overwhelmed with pleasure, his plump lips wobbled a bit when his eyes met mine. And I fucking knew I am in huge ass trouble because now I am so hard it hurts.

I ignore my very inappropriate libido and focus on fixing the mess I have just created.

"Baby hey look at me I am sorry ok? I was just angry I didn't mean what I said I promise" I say cradling his face in my hands. He catches his lower lip in between his teeth and I had to close my eyes in order to keep my self control in check.

I hear another sound sob wrecking through the air and feel the face in my hands tremble.

"You won't even look at me" Pete lets out in between of sobs and my eyes spring open, I feel horrible to give him that impression, that's not it at all.

"Bub that's not it at all I promise its just-. You know what leave it its not important you have all my attention now ok? Tell me did I hurt you?" I ask him worried I had overdid something and has seriously injured Pete somehow.

Pete's eyes get glassy again and a fresh batch of tears start free-falling from his eyes. I gently rub both my thumbs on his cheeks to get rid of the tear stains.

"You-you said I am disloyal. I don't deserve your kisses you didn't even touch me" he says and breaks down in my arms crying.

I quickly pull him into a hug. Thank to whoever is above he is not hurt physically. But I also know I have hurt his emotions.

Pete likes being treated as a "pet" he likes to be good for his "master", wants to be loyal and is a sucker for affection and I know all that.

Hell I know Pete's body and behaviour like the back of my hand and that is the reason I gave him the punishment I just did. I knew it would hurt him. Ok maybe I overdid it but hey I was angry and hurt myself.

I gently caress his ass, which I know must be sore because I didn't prep him or used any lube.

I start to give butterfly kisses on his head which quiets him down a bit.

I then kiss his cheeks making sure to catch his tears with my lips. Finally when Pete's tears stop falling I pull away slightly and kiss his lips gently, which he returns eagerly and his eagerness turns our soft gentle kiss into a full on heated make out session.

When both of us pull away for air I gently grab the back of his neck and ask "Are you satisfied now? You got your kiss, or do you want more?"

"Shut up you said many hurtful things to me as well" Pete says looking down at his feet.

I lift his chin with my finger. "Pup I am sorry ok? I was hurt and scared of you leaving me for that googly eyed fucker" I explain to him.

This is maybe the first time I have used the word "scared" to describe myself genuinely, without trying to manipulate anyone.

"You.. are a... Big .... Hypocrite. You know.... that?" He asks me hiccuping in between the sentence.

"Sorry bub I am sorry"I say gently caressing his lower back.

"Its ok but promise me you will trust me from now on" he says looking up at me through his eyelashes, his brows pulled together in an attempt to look "angry", his lips slightly forming a pout.

He looks so fucking cute I can't resist anymore so I bent down to capture his lips in mine.

But he pulls away looking at me disapprovingly.

"No first answer me" he says.

"Pup I trust you"I says pulling him closure to me so that both our chests are pressed together.

"Oh really you didn't sound like you do earlier" he says his tone and eyes equally accusing.

I drop my head on his shoulder "Bub I am really sorry for that. You, you know my anger issues baby and it was just my instincts kicking in to hurt you just as much as I was hurt" I explain myself.

I feel two hands snaking around my shoulder and I feel a pat on my head "Just trust me ok? I am not interested in anyone besides you ok?" He tells me.

Sometimes I really wonder, do I really deserve him? Well I don't care if I do or not because I sure as fuck am not going to be the "noble" person and let him go to someone who deserves him.

I tighten my hold around him even more.

"Ok I will trust you" I say eventually.

I feel a firm kiss on my forehead.

I pull my head back and attack Pete's lips, all my previous self control turned to dust.

I feel a tap on my chest and pull back. "Lets take this to my room" Pete says biting his lower lip.

I groan and " Well you better speed walk to your room or I am taking you in the corridor" I say detaching myself from Pete's body.

After making sure I am in a decent state I exit the storage room. Knowing Pete will follow after a few minutes.
So..... You guys want me to do a poor attempt at writing smut or just skip it?😂

Anyways no pain for the next few chapters I promise 😤

Stay hydrated y'all bye😁🤗

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