Please Be Real!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3rd P.O.V

(AN: I got the idea from a head cannon that I can't find so if you see something like this it's the one probably)

"Annabeth, Annabeth.....  AnNaBEtH!!!!!!!!! Wake up!!!!!!!!!!" Malcom yelled in the girls ear obviously trying to wake her up. "I'll make you blue cookies later ok? Just go ask Sally right now." She mumbled back pillow on her ear.

Now Malcom was confused. Blue cookies? Who is Sally? Right now? Has she made them before? He decided to voice his thought so he did. "What do you mean who is Sally your mother duh seaweed-Wait did you lose your memory again you better not be messing with me."What?" he replied. During her rant, She finally looked up to see her brother, not Percy and realize she was in the Athena cabin not Poseidon. "Why am I not in the Poseidon cabin and how did I not have nightmares because I'm not in the Poseidon cabin and that's-" he cut her off by saying "Who the Hades Percy, you're in the Athena cabin because she's your mom,what do you mean by nightmares and why would you be in the Poseidon cabin!?!!!??!??"

Now obviously something was wrong. Did someone erases memory of Percy. No we're in camp and we do monthly checks for traitors (AN: Just go with it) OK. So now -she's not happy to admit so-she started panicking. As the curly haired blonde ran outside screaming Percy's name and asking around, people started telling Chiron therefore getting Annabeth called to the big house. As she walked in she saw the father figure with a worried  expression so she sat down and tried to remind him of Percy by telling him all the adventures. Keyword: tried. "Well Annabeth it seems that this Percy guy-how do I say this- is your dream guy?"she responded immediately with "He is! But you don't understand. He's real"and then as if she was passing out everything went black.

Slowly she started to open her eyes she expected to see light but she saw black. "Oh Gods I'm dead already!" But something wasn't right there was a bed? underneath her and she's in an apartment. Oh my Gods has it been a dream all along? She need to call Percy right now.

"Percy Jackson!?!?!??!?!!"she kind of yelled into the phone. A voice groggily replied "what the hell Annabeth. Did you get another nightmare!!!!???!??" The last part was more urgent. What's your name?, how do you know my name?,and tell me one thing only Percy Jackson would know." (AN: just pretend that Annabeth has a bunny that only Percy knows about named Fluffy) I'm Percy,I know you cause you're my fiancé  and Ummmmmm you have a bunny named fluffy."Oh thank God's Percy your real. The only then realized how tired she actually was. "OK I'll call you in the morning I'm actually really tired love you bye" She quickly hung up and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Hope you guys liked it! Heads up I will either post next weekend or the next. I don't know for sure because I have a band concert on Thursday so..... yeah. Also shout out for giving me an idea for the next chapter: Percyjacksonobsesed


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