Screw Paperwork

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I shook my head at my business partner, the disbelief making him chuckle. "Yes, it was announced not long ago! Maybe you should talk to the principal and see if you could tour the campus as an Alumni? I'm sure you'd see him there," Kamui said, pulling a chair up from another desk and sitting beside me. I smiled and sighed, shaking my head. "I'm afraid I just don't have the time to set up a meeting with Nezu. With all this paperwork..." Kamui took the page off my desk and scanned it, his eyes narrowing. "This seems easy enough for one of the others to handle, don't you think? How about you and I grab dinner and see if we can set up a meeting, hm?"

While we remained professional, Kamui and I were very close. It could seem strictly work-related, when in actuality we were as close as you could get. Despite being about four years younger than me, we were often asked if we attended UA together. Of course, I was already out of UA when he was attending, so we never did get to meet in High School. After we both went pro, however, we quickly began working at similar agencies due to our nature-related quirks. We used to be competitive, until a battle that left me in a coma for several weeks, when he stopped by with fresh flowers every couple days.

I nodded and we stood, both deciding to head home and change before meeting at a steakhouse in Musutafu, which is where the agency was as well. Considering Kamui lived a bit away, he used his quirk to whip himself towards his home, while I walked like a normal person. With the recent attack of a sludge villain, patrols had increased, despite All Might himself taking care of the issue. I played with the collar of my turtleneck as I huffed out a sigh, the lights of the city dimmer than most other places. It was a fairly small town compared to places like Kyoto or somewhere by the entertainment district, but it was still ablaze in the night.

I caught sight of Death Arms, who seemed to be deep in thought. I whistled and he turned to me, checking both ways before crossing the street. "Hey, Hanabira. What are you up to? You on a smoke break?" I noticed the lit cigarette between his fingers and the lighter in his other hand. I wasn't a frequent smoker, but I never declined one when I was offered. I shook my head and he nodded slightly, putting it into his mouth. "Woods let me out early so I could get in touch with UA's principal. He told me about All Might teaching there." Death Arms let out a puff of smoke away from my face, holding the cigarette between his fingers delicately.

"Yeah, heard about that. Seems weird that the best of the best is becoming a...teacher." I snickered and elbowed him gently, raising an eyebrow. "You know, you'd be a good teacher. Maybe you should apply at UA, huh? Ooh, or maybe Shiketsu?" He smiled and nudged me softly, taking another hit of the cig. "Eh, I was never really good at reading. Math, though? Hell yeah, that's the shit." I snickered and started walking, Death Arms keeping up easily. "Aren't you supposed to be patrolling or something?" He put his large hand on my head, patting it, and then letting it fall back to his side. "Nah, I just got off work. Too lazy to change."

I rolled my eyes and nudged him again. "Heroes shouldn't be lazy, Death Ass." He started laughing and patted my back, the force a bit hard. "You're an ass sometimes, you know that?" He asked, a playful tone in his voice. "Yeah, I get that a lot." We walked in silence, the smell of his cigarette and cologne being strong and noticeable. "Any luck with the ladies?" Death Arms coughed, most likely inhaling the cigarette wrong. His face began burning a bright red, which only make me double over with laughter. After a while, he regained himself and shook his head. "Nah, not really. Apparently I'm, uh, too much of a 'brute' for them." I rolled my eyes and glared at nothing, irritated.

I knew how hard he took criticism, especially when it came from civilians. "They're too stupid to see how much of a softie you are. You're like a giant damn teddy bear for All Might's sake!" Death Arms' face flushed and he scratched his neck, putting his cigarette out on the metal of his costume and tossing it into a trash can. "You're just saying that because you're my friend." I sighed and shook my head. "Any woman, or man, would be lucky to have you, Shinnosuke. I mean that." His face only burned brighter, his black eyes darting to avert my gaze. "I-I um...suppose be...right..?" 

I sighed and pulled his hand to my mouth, placing a gentle kiss to his knuckles. I wordlessly walked off, not hearing his footsteps after me. I shoved my hands into my pockets and continued the walk through the city. As the cold, spring breeze hit against my shoulders, I couldn't help but wonder if All Might was as good of a teacher as he was a pro hero. After all, some are suited to certain lines of work. Being a pro hero and a teacher aren't very similar, so I doubt it would be in a similar circle of expertise... I walked to the front door of my apartment building, opening the door and heading towards the stairs.

The second I got into my apartment, I was exhausted- A day of paperwork was far more tiring for me than normal hero work. I sloppily undressed on my way to my bedroom, leaving my shoes at the door, my shirt by the kitchen, and my pants by the hallway before my room. I took my gloves off and tossed them onto my desk, rummaging through my closet to find something nice to wear. I settled on the very normal white button-up and black dress pants, mostly because I stopped caring about being 'flashy' back in my twenties.

 Although I never wore a mask, I was awfully good at not getting recognized. The signature scars littering my body were the features most associated with me, considering all my appearances showed off my scars. I was quite proud of them, in fact. They were proof I had tried my hardest to keep the people of this world safe from villains. That was all anyone could ask for from a hero, really. That's why it's surprising that even still some heroes do not meet those low standards. I heard a honk and rushed out of my apartment, grabbing my thin black wallet and putting it into my pocket. I almost left my keys, but remembered to grab them before locking the door and heading outside.

Kamui was waiting in his black Lincoln, his head turned away. He preferred not being without the wooden mask so much that most people assumed it was just his face. It, in fact, is not his face. He's a pale man, with much the same face shape as Hawks, but with more angular and narrow eyes. They were a beautiful forest green with the smallest hint of mint around the pupil. He always had a frown set on his face, much like that damn helmet. His puffy, green hair was my favorite, as he would often let me play with it. "Remember not to call me my hero name, Yamada." I chuckled and buckled myself, playing with a strand of his hair. "Sure thing, Niyshiya."

I could not find a picture of Kamui without his helmet, but it is a helmet, according to Horikoshi (the author). I kinda just gave him a face, so I hope you like it! Death Arms also did not have a name other than that of his pro hero name, so I gave him the same name as his Japanese VA, Ogami Shinnosuke (Last name First name). I hope you all enjoyed chapter one!

Date: 12/12/22

Word Count: 1360

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