Time of weakness

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??? POV:

Even tho it was a desperate last minute attempt to remain in this world, I couldn't have chosen a better vessel to bestow my karma upon. That blond brat is quite strong. Strong enough to keep me at bay. But all strengths weaken overtime. All I need to do is wait patiently for the right moment to strike. Even tho I can wait for a millennia, I wont have to wait long. For your time of weakness is coming very soon...

Boruto Uzumaki!

Boruto's POV:

"Ugh!" I fall to my nees as an extreme pain pulsed through my left hand. "W-what?" I say, trying to make sense of what was happening. "Why hello again you inferior creature." said a sickeningly familiar voice. "Momoshiki!" I try to get up but the slightest movement made the pain A LOT worse. "ARG!" I yelped as the pain suddenly tripled. " It's no use boy. Your time of weakness has come!" he said as his chakra started to flow into and around boruto. "Damn it! I don't have time to deal with you Momoshiki! I was in the middle of... of... what was I doing?" I tried to remember but I couldn't focus as the pain spread up to my arm. "You wont be able to escape, Uzumaki Boruto. After this your consciousness will cease to exist and I will be all that is left, which will allow me to have full control of you and your karma! All I have to do is sit back and watch you howl and wither in pain and despair! Oh, and please do resist all you want. It will only make your suffering longer and will be quite satisfying, for me of cores." He chuckles as I yell in pain and rage. "No way I'll let you win, Dattebasa!" "We shall see" I felt something pulling me into unconsciousness. I resisted as much as I could, but with the pain now up to my shoulder, I was weaker, and everything went dark.




I open my eyes to the sound of dripping water and see an empty cavern. 'What is this place?' I wonder as I get to a siting position and observe the room. On the walls there were clear pipes with blue mist flowing in them. Their were a few pipes that were cracked with white mist flowing into them, as if the white mist was invading the blue mist. The floor was covered in a thin layer of water, tho the water did not soak me. "So this is the kits brat huh?" said a very anamalistic voice. I jumped up and got into a defensive stance, ready for anything. "Relax. I wont hurt you." The voice echoed, confusing me as I try to locate it. "Where are you?" I ask, still in a defensive position. "Behind you" The voice said as an eerie red glow filled the room. I spun around to see blood red and black mist spinning and intertwining in a reddish globe. "What are you?" A low chuckle vibrated through the cave. "I am the remaining fragment of a soul. I am the Kyuubi no kitsune. I am Kurama the nine tailed fox" The loud voice boomed. "What! Your supposed to be dead! Your life was consumed when my dad used baryon mode against ishiki! Plus, you don't even look like a fox!" I yell, trying to comprehend. "Well sorry to disappoint you" The fox mused. "If you're the fox then why are you here?" I asked, a bit skeptical that this wasn't a dream. "I guess I should explain. You see, I'm not actually here and the rest of me was consumed in the baryon mode." he explained as if it was obvious and made perfect sense. He must have seen my confusion and let out an exasperated sigh. "Baryon mode was consuming my life and I accepted it for it was necessary. About a tenth of my life was left when momoshiki started to infuse you with his chakra to gain control of you. I realized that momoshiki could be just as dangerous as ishiki sense he would not underestimate this world again. So I sealed the rest of my chakra into you, using the same technique as the forth hokage did for his son, and it was enough to allow me to have a single conversation with you encase momoshiki would try to shatter your mind."


I stood there in shock my mind slowly processing the overflow of information. "So you used your chakra to speak to me if momoshiki was shattering my mind. Wait a minute! MOMOSHIKI IS SHATTERING MY MIND!?!" As if on cue, the cave shook and I realized that there were cracks all along the walls widening at a visible speed. "That's the just of it." The remaining fragment of the foxes soul confirmed in a calm voice as if nothing major was happening. "AND YOUR HERE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION!?!" I asked furious. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! I AM HERE TO HELP YOU SO IF YOU WOULD PAUSE FOR A MOMENT AND LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO OFFER BEFORE YOU DOOM THE WORLD TO ANOTHER OTSUTSUKI I COULD HELP YOU!" Roared the globe, now glowing a very bright crimson. "OK! Sorry!" I yelped in surprise, startled by the sudden change of the calm laziness of the sphere (or fox) to a outraged furious beast. The fox sighed as the light in the globe dimmed "I don't have much time left so listen carefully." I was now listening slightly nervous not to anger the fox again. "When the Juubi was split into the nine Bijuu by Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the sage of six paths, he gave me an emergency jutsu in case the otsutsuki threatened this world. You will be the one to use this seal for once I create it, I will join the rest if me." "What do I need to do?" I asked, intrigued on how a simple seal could save the world. "All you need to do is put all the chakra you can into the seal. Don't worry about chakra depletion. You'll get all your chakra back once were finished." 'Well, that's good to know' I thought. "But What does the seal do?" I questioned, a bit skeptical. "It will send you to the past." said the Kuubi fragment in a booming dramatic voice. "All right. Let's do it! The sooner the better!" I agreed. There was no response. "What's the matter? Aren't we going to save to world?" I asked the fox, curious on why he was so silent. "Yes. We are. I just was just expecting more of a reaction." He explained. "I've already gone back in time though. There was this Otsutsuki tool that looked like a turtle that brought Sasuke and I back to the time of the fifth hokage! I met my dad when he was a kid!" "Hmm. That would explain it. Tho the seal is a one-way ticket. It transfers your mind to you past body. Since chakra and jutsu's are mostly memory muscle, all you will have to train in is your physical strength and you'll be back to the strength you have now. You should still have the karma no matter how far back you go because you are a full Otsutsuki, since Otsutsuki DNA cannot become human DNA even through time travel. You will also need to change as little as possible because the more you change the past the more the future becomes unpredictable, So act how you used to and only use jutsu that you knew then with as little strength as possible. I'm I Understood?"The cave trembled again but not from the spheres booming voice. The cracks widened letting white mist seep through, invading more of the blue mist's pipes. The mists are chakra! "Yes! Ok! I understand one hundred percent! Now hurry up and do the seal! Momoshiki is flooding my chakra pipes, or chakra system with with his own so were almost out of time and-" "Watch out!" The Kyuubi yell interrupting me. I dived out of the way from whatever he was warning me about and a second later a bolder shatter were I was standing moments ago. "Ok! It's ready!" I turn around to see a seal floating in the air with the Kyuubi's last fragment in its center. "Alright! It's up to you now!" At this point, the walls of my mind looked like a bunch of rocks were pilled up and the slightest breeze would topple the whole thing. "Do it! Before it's to late!" His voice full of alarm. 'I have to focus!' I gather my chakra and activate the seal. I feel it draining my chakra as the seal starts to glow. Then a blinding light erupts from the seals center. "NOOOO! YOU ARE MY VESSEL! YOU CANNOT DESTROY ME! STOP THIS!!!" I got a glimpse of the walls around me exploding as i herd momoskiki's shriek. 'I wont live in your shadow anymore.' Then everything vanished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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