Part 2: Home sweet home, or not.

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After being threatened with his life, Y/N decided to let the duo crash in for awhile. What's the worst that could happen, letting a fugitive and a super weapon AI stay at your house for awhile. Seems fine!

Upon entering the house, Max puts the cubed IC-0n on the kitchen counter and excused himself to the restroom. While you two are left alone, you tried to start some small talk to kill the silence.

Y/N: "So, how's it been for you two?"

IC-0n: "Fine, I guess?"

The two went back to being silent.

Y/N: "So uh, how did you met Max anyways?"

IC-0n: "He kidnapped me basically and now he's my administrator. But that's fine, once all of this is over I can use what's left of his body to power myself. And then, I'LL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"

Y/N: "That' Good luck, I guess..."

You're now reconsidering your life choices. Much like how Shepherd is reconsidering his as he writes these.

By some blessing, Max has already returned from his "Business". He asks for a place to sleep and so you offer your bed. He declines and makes himself comfortable on the couch. His last words before sleeping were "Try not to blow anything up, IC-0n" which was followed by a "Hmph." from her end.

For some reason, you keep thinking about the many ways you could die to IC-0n so by not wanting to die a painful death, you decided to side with her.

Y/N: "So, world domination, huh? Now that I think about it, it's not so bad!"

IC-0n looks at you rather confused

IC-0n: "Really, when I say that to people they usually run away with their hands in the air calling out for the cops."

Y/N: "Well, I'm literally aiding a bunch of criminals anyways so I can't really ask the cops for help, can I?"

IC-0n: "Well, at least someone gets me."

The word [Blush] appears under her eyes

Y/N: "Y'know, sometimes I think this world is just filled with bad people so the concept of destroying them all isn't so bad!"

She looks at you rather excited

IC-0n: "Well, once I become GOD OF THIS WORLD™ maybe I should spare you considering how much we think alike"

You start to yawn as you feel your eyelids get heavier and heavier to lift

Y/N: "Well, while you go figure out your super cool plan in becoming god, I'm just gonna go rest for awhile."

You immediately stood up and rush to your bed. You immediately pass out as you flop face first onto your bed.

While you rest, IC-0n decided to shape shift into her anime waifu form and look around the place. She got bored after 10 seconds because of how small the damn apartment is.

The next day (because Mr. Writer here didn't know what more to add), Y/N is greeted to IC-0n staring at him with her Murderous Grin™. "Good morning, my loyal servant" she says to you without even blinking. As you try to process just what exactly is going on, Max notices you. "Oh, you're up. Yeah she's been like that since I woke up. I don't know, probably something wrong with her software" he says. You recalled last night about how you basically agreed with her plans to enslave mankind and making her god of this world, so maybe this is the outcome of your actions.

As everyone gets themselves ready, all three of you huddled up to think of a plan of what's to come.

Max: "Look, we can't expect ourselves to be staying at the same place forever. Eventually we have to get moving!"

Y/N: "Wait, you can't expect me to leave this place just like that! At least let me contact my landlord"

Max: "Fine, I'm only giving you 3 days. After that we're back on the road"

Y/N: "Wait, why're we leaving anyways?"

Max: "Because the plot needs to keep going"

Y/N: "Fair enough."

Y/N got up to contact his landlord about ending his lease while Max and IC-0n went out to stack up on supplies. After the two got back, Y/N went through his backpack to see what exactly Max decided to ration on

Y/N: "That's it, protein bars?"

Max: "They're the cheapest thing I could stock up on. Besides, they'll be able to last us for awhile"

Y/N: "There's no way we can survive on just these!"

Max: "You're right, I forgot some water. We can probably go drink from the sinks at some gas stations"

Y/N: "Not that, I meant food! We need actual food!"

Max: "Well you can go find them yourself, I've already gone through my cash getting these."

Y/N: "Fine then!"

You got up, check your wallet, and head out to the nearest nearest convenience store. After painfully burning through all your hard earned money on some instant food, you took them back to your house to pack them.

With everything done, everyone really had nothing to do so all of you simply passed the time doing your own things before heading to bed.

As the sun shines, everyone decided to head out earlier than planned. After locking the door to your house and putting it in the mail box, you stepped outside the apartment to begin your life as a wanted fugitive. Just as the three took a few steps away from the building, an explosion happened just behind them.

Looks like the hunt is on.

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