Part 3: bonfire lit

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After the rather close explosion, the gang had an immediate flight or fight response, they chose the smart option and that is to start running for their life.

As the three start running like no tomorrow, Max ordered IC-0n to make them a bike for the two. Suddenly, she starts attacking the government vehicles chasing them and turned them into bicycles.

As you two start pedalling, IC-0n returned to her cube form and went into Max's backpack. And so, the three of you started to get as far as you could from the city. All while avoiding the many obstacles such as cars, pedestrians, grandmas crossing the street and such.

After some miracle, everyone managed to get far enough from the city and decided to take a break. Max is on the ground taking deep breaths while you're too busy throwing up.

Once you're done with unloading whatever you once had in your stomach, you finally have the chance to look at your surroundings. There're nothing but trees, trees, and more trees. Seems like you've cycled for so long you didn't even realized where you ended up. Meanwhile, Max is groaning while smacking his phone, trying to get a signal.

He then turns around at you and tells you "Look, we can't exactly stay here forever. We still need to get going to-" before he could finish, you let out a pained and annoyed groan. "Why now, why not tomorrow?" You asked weakly. "Listen Y/N, if we stay here for too long they might find us." He replied. You came up with a suggestion of going deeper into the forest to prevent everyone from being caught so easily. Max was hesitant but since you wouldn't budge he reluctantly agreed.

After pushing your bicycles deep into the forest, the three of you found a place to be turned into your temporary campsite. As Max piles up some dried up leaves to lay on, you simply sat on the ground. To your surprise, it was quite soft.

Max took out his notebook and proceeded to starting writing some things down. Curious, you slowly crawled your way besides him, trying to get a hint of what's he up to. But as soon as he noticed, he asked "Do you mind?" before covering his notebook.

Defeated, you got up and told the two you're going out on a walk. Surprisingly, looking at the trees and rocks were pretty calming. It was a nice change from the usual buildings, cars, and occassionally some pigeons. Without realizing, you've spent basically an hour in the woods. As it starts to get darker, you used your phone as a flashlight and made your way back to camp.

As you walked closer, you started to notice what seemed like a light source. Turns out, while you were away they had made a small campfire. And next to said fire was IC-0n, staring at it, not even blinking once. Meanwhile, Max is already fast asleep, guess he finally gave in after all that cycling. Despite all the walking and cycling, you are not exhausted yet (or you just have insomnia, your pick). While you wait to get tired, you decided to sit near the campfire next to IC-0n.

After just 5 seconds in, you felt as if the atmosphere was rather awkward. So you decided to strike up a conversation.

Y/N: "So, uh...did you made the fire?"

IC-0n finally shifted her attention away from the fire to you.

IC-0n: "Yeah, but that's only because my administrator told me to!"

Y/N: "Well, that's covenient I suppose..."

Y/N: "So uh, what else can you do?"

She looks at you with a smug impression.

IC-0n: "Glad that you ask. I'm more than just a simple machine. In fact, I AM GOD! I can simply assimilate anything into something else as I please!"

Y/N: "So, can you make, like, people?"

Her confident look reduced into something less energetic.

IC-0n: "No, assimilating organic matter is impossible for me. They're too...complicated."

Y/N: "Well, that's fine. You can't expect yourself to be able to do anything, right?"


Y/N: "What, me, no! I'm just saying that, uh, you can't possibly be a god in one day. Maybe if you gave it some time you can start creating fleshy beings of horror beyond human understanding?"

IC-0n: "What?"

Y/N: "I'm saying that maybe if you don't rush yourself, eventually you can be the superorganism capable of enslaving mankind!"

IC-0n: "You really think I can be that?"

Y/N" Sure you can! You're IC-0n, what can't you do except for assimilating steak?"
*whispering* "this totally isn't me trying not to make you hate me"

She starts to blush slightly.

IC-0n: "Of course, I just need some "time". And then, I'll consume the earth's core and become GOD!"

Y/N: "T-that's the spirit. While you go be awesome and all, I'm going to get away from you a bit by pretending to go to sleep."

You got up to sit against a tree, trying to get some rest.

"Oh, and can you watch the fire, thanks", you said before falling asleep.

After what felt like only mere minutes, you were awaken from the smell of smoke. You woke up coughing before rubbing your eyes to see your surroundings. As your vision cleared, you noticed that your surroundings have been engulfed in flame. The once small and innocent campfire has grown out of control. You were somewhat surprised by the fact you couldn't felt the heat but your main priority was to get the fire in control.

Your first course of action was to wake Max up. As you rushed to him and violently shake him. He was understandably shocked, but was even more scared by the fact that everything around him was on fire. Meanwhile, IC-0n was still staring at the, now large, campfire. Out of panic, Max quickly tells IC-0n to make some fire extinguishers. After some time, you and Max were able to successfully put the fires out. Immediately, Max starts to pack his things up and got on his bicycle.

Y/N: "Hey, why in such a hurry?"

Max: "Can't you see? The smoke might attract firefighters and maybe even cops. Last thing I want is for IC-0n tk get taken back to Refinoc Biowaste after everything. Let's get going, we can sleep somewhere else."

With that, IC-0n quickly turned into her cube form and got into Max's backpack, followed up with you getting onto your bike.

And so, you were on the road once again. This time, more exhausted than ever.

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