Chapter 6: Packing, school, dance and more packing

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The next morning Miracule woke up at her usual time and instead of practicing like normal, she opens the closet and uses the closet stool to take down her suitcases. She first takes down her small trolley bag and puts it aside, then takes down her big bag and then lays it on the floor, opens it and starts to pack some shorts, track pants,t-shirts (full and half sleeves) and jumpers. Then she packs some socks and under garments, leggings, tops/blouses, skirts, jumpsuits, formal and casual dresses. Then some of her dance leotards. After that she packs her straightener and curler. By the time she finishes packing all of that and putting away the unnecessary items back in her closet, it was six am! Miracule had spent an hour packing her large suitcase that she lost track of time. After Miracule checked the time, started to get ready faster so she could catch the bus. After fifteen minutes Miracule was ready, so she grabbed her backpack and dance bag, after she made sure she had everything, including a fully charged laptop and dance bag.Then down stairs at six-thirty she quickly filled her bottle with ice cold water and packed fruit, snacks, lunch and dance snacks. Then she put that into her bag, grabbed a Costco smoothie, then said bye to her parents to which they didn't respond, then she and Jordan sped walked to the bus stop just in time to tag on and grab a seat. After she sat down Miracle thought about how to break the news to her friends, her sisters in everything but blood. And Erin! How does she tell her dancer in crime? Her thoughts come to an end when the tires screech stop, and she tags off and walks to the spot where she meets her 'sisters', still thinking "how on earth I am going tell them. It was around eight - fifteen when Tess,Liz and Hope met Miracule. As soon as she saw her besties she decided it was now or never. "Uh girls this isn't going to be easy but I'm leaving school at the end of the week and going to Emberglow dance academy this Sunday and I don't know if I'm going to come back and I love you girls so much and I didn't want to break this to you and really hate to leave you guys, but I want to pursue my dreams. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don't want to lose it, so I'm leaving and I only found out last night. I've been packing since five-fifteen this morning. I'm so, so, so sorry I really am. You're more than my friends, you're my sisters in everything but blood and I love you guys." Miracule blurts out and starts sobbing because she had to tell them she's leaving. The girls look at her in utter shock, they can't believe their sister in everything but blood was leaving them. The four of them sat in silence processing the news, until Miracule said " This was a mistake telling you guys! I thought you were my friends, my sisters and you would support me, but you're just like my unsupportive parents!" And is about to get up when her friends pull her into a group hug and they all start crying. Half an hour later the bell rang and unfortunately time passes too quickly in a group hug, and redutanly the girls pulled apart and headed towards science with sniffles and tears. Just like normal they sat in the assigned seats and began listening to their science teacher Mrs La Grange's lecher on the periodic table, but the girls weren't listening. They were too busy thinking about Miracule and how she was leaving on Friday, their best friend, their sister in everything but blood was leaving. Meanwhile Miracule was wondering how her teachers would take her absence. The bell rang, Miracule's thoughts were cut and she headed to english. Miracule walked into english, as she sat down, she noticed a piece of paper on her desk, her english essay from April. A plus! Yet again the day flew by and Miracule went to dance for her last lesson. She has to tell Erin everything. After her final lesson with Erin, Miracule grabbed Erin by the wrist and yakned her to their favorite spot in the studio and spilled everything. After that the two friends cried and cried. Half an hour later Erin gives Miracule the best of luck, with tears still spilling, the girls share one final hug and part ways. At home Miracule sped upstairs, barely acknowledging her family and, had a quick shower, came back down and ate her dinner. She excused herself fifteen minutes later and went back to packing. Listening to music,she packed and reorganized till about nine - thirty, then watched netflix and hit the hay. She only had to add very few things on Sunday and dubble check.

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