15th Poem

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Me, Him, & Her
May 15, 2015

I was new to this school
I was alone without a clue
That someone is watching me
Far away from me.
I looked around & spotted him
Sitting in a chair with watchful eyes.
I thought he was gay because of the 'I want you' look in your eyes.
But forget about that.
It was just a joke.
At least you were the first one to be my friend.

I was always quiet while you're so talkative
& that's when I realized, we're the total opposite.
But one thing we're alike
Is a thing we both like.
Guess what it is
It is around us.
Art is the answer
& I know you know it.

Then she walked to me
& annoyed the hell out of me.
One day I hated you,
The next day I liked you.
I like her as a friend,
As a best gal friend.
You loved anime,
I liked cartoon.
You draw anime,
I draw cartoon.
But we're alike in most of things.
We're both geeky,
We're both smart,
We're both a bookworm,
We're both a poet,
We're both artists,
We're both creative.
But most of all,
We're both both.

It was just me first,
Then he came second,
& so she's third third.

It was just me, him, and her.
From the beginning
Until continuation
& until end.

It was always me, him, and her.

The End.

By: NaGa o((*^▽^*))o (me)

A/N Hi! It's been months, weeks, days, years, since I've formed a poem again. And this poem is dedicated FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAS THE BEST OF FRIENDS! Thank you if anyone read this. It's not that poetic, but I just know it's enough. That pic is me and my two best friends :D


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