Campfire go vroom vroom

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Liam picked at the wooden log underneath him before looking off to his side to see a familiar blue and brown lantern. The aforementioned lantern, who's name was Airy, was just about in the middle of the log, while Liam strayed off to the side.

The small campfire site that the log and two objects sat at was passionately made by Airy, even though he's made much more impressive things before. He was passionate about so many small little things that he'd love to talk about with someone, but he could never really bring himself to do it.

He really, really wanted to at that moment, though, for reasons he couldn't place his finger on. He wanted to talk about it to somebody so badly, just to have an outlet for his various thoughts.

"U-Um," Airy managed to stutter out, breaking the silence that occasionally had the sound of the sparks from the fire sprinkled in with it. "It... I'm really... proud... of this, I think."

"What." Liam mumbled, eyes still glued to the orange blazes. "I-" "I mean. What do you mean?"

"I built... this. With my hands." Airy looked down, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh. Uh, cool." Liam muttered, finally directing his gaze toward the surprisingly smaller object.

"Yeah". Airy mumbled under his breath.

The two awkwardly rested in each other's company, not paying any attention to one another but rather gluing their eyes onto the bright flames. Every once in a while somebody would cough or shift a little on the log, but that was really it.

Even though any normal person would call it boring, Airy actually enjoyed this interaction. But, then again, he just really enjoyed Liams presence.

Airy wished he would bathe in that sweet, sweet, soothing silence for eternity. He didn't know why, but Liam made him so happy.

If he told Liam about it, he would probably just tell him that it's because of the fact that it's human (or object? I dunno) interaction, but Airy felt as if it was different. He adored Liam just like he adored the small camp he had built.

Maybe he could try to smoothe things out with Liam and be his friend. Maybe he could try to remember his real name, and stop calling him Backpack.

Airy had so much going on in his head at that moment, more than he ever experienced on the peculiar planet. In fact, it was a little too much for him, so he was getting tired.

"Hey... I'm... I'm gonna.. go to bed." Airy said, gingerly lifting himself of of the log.

"Oh, ok. I'm pretty tired, too. Uh." Liam scratched his hand tiredly before getting off of the log as well and heading to the cabin that Airy had also built.

Airy had so many plans for tomorrow, most of which involved getting to know Liam better. He decided to figure it out in his sleep, if that was even possible.

When Airy got to his makeshift bed, he practically collapsed onto it. He got a sudden whiff of tiredness that immediately drained all of everything out of him, beside his overwhelming thoughts.

When he finally gained up enough of that tiredness to doze off, he thought about how he would talk to Liam. How he would approach him maybe, or maybe he should gain his trust in form of doing favors for him.

Halfway through, Airy fell asleep peacefully with the stars shining onto him. Tomorrow was gonna be a good day for Airy, he just knew it.

\\I'm horrible at titles so uhhhhh. Also im accepting constructive criticism so if u want to u can do that :-)//

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