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It was the day after Wednesday's therapy session and Omen hasn't heard from or seen Wednesday so he assumed that she had escaped that was until he saw her at a local fair.

"Wednesday, I thought you escaped"Omen said as he walked up to her

She was standing at a game stale. She turned to look at her older cousin who seemed to be happy to see her, Wednesday always thought people that showed their emotions was weak, but she had an exception for Omen knowing full well that he wasn't anywhere near weak.

"Unfortunately, Weems found me at the coffee shop before my ride could take me to the train station"Wednesday said as she threw the darts at the balloons hitting every single one

"But, I got the normie that was supposed to take me to the train station yesterday to meet me here tonight"Wednesday said as she threw the last one and turned to the blonde haired Addams

"Are you sure you aren't willing to follow?"Wednesday made one last offer for Omen to come with her

"Nah, I'm good"Omen said with the same sad smile from the other day

Suddenly a boy that looked familiar to Omen walked over

"Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack"The boy said

"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude"Wednesday said before throwing another dart and again it hit a balloon

"All right. Subtle hint taken"The boy said

"You should know I'm waiting for someone"Wednesday said

"Oh yeah, who's the lucky guy... Or girl?"The boy asked

"What does it matter to you?"Wednesday asked

Suddenly a boy was standing next to Omen which made Omen look at the stranger confused on why he was standing close to him

"Didn't mean to interrupt"The other boy said

Omen seriously needs to be introduced to these people

"You're not"The boy said before walking away

Wednesday looked at Omen and nodded at him letting him know that she would be leaving now

Omen nodded as well with a sad smile before also walking away to another stale where he found the same boy that was talking to Wednesday

The boy looked at Omen before he introduced himself after seeing the confused look on the blondes face

"Xavier Thorpe, you might remember me as the chubby kid that nearly got burnt at his godmothers funeral at age ten"The boy said

Omen face turned to realisation and a smile grew

"Oh yeah, your still alive I see"Omen said and Xavier only nodded with a smile

Xavier could see the deference in Omen and Wednesday, and not just because of their appearance. Thought they had the same psychopathic mindset as eachother, they were both completely different personality wise, while Wednesday was emotionless and intelligent , Omen was more cheerful and sarcastic.

Suddenly they heard someone screaming for Wednesday so the two boys turned around to see Wednesday running after Rowan while the normie boy walk off somewhere

"Aren't you gonna chase after her?"Xavier asked Omen

Omen looked at him and shook his head knowing that Wednesday didn't like or need help. Omen then walked off to find where his roommate would be and for some reason he hoped he was with his sister.


Later that night Omen was sitting on his bed while showing Skunk the different famous guitarist and what they're most used guitar was when suddenly Omen's crystal lite up and Gomez and Morticia's faces popped up.

"Hello, my little venomous snake"Gomez greeted his nephew with a smile

Omen smiled at the ball before walking over in a hurry seeing his aunt and uncle's faces up close

"Darling, we just finished our little talk with Wednesday and decided to check up on our favourite nephew"Morticia said with a happy smile

Omen was shocked to hear that Wednesday, yet again, had failed to escape.

"Tell us my little sand storm, how was your first week?"Uncle Gomez asked

"It's been alright, my roommate is pretty cool and I love the shirt you gave me uncle Gomez"Omen said

Gomez sent a the boy a wink knowing he was also talking about the weed

"So, your uncle told me that you were talking about a girl, have you realised anything yet?"Morticia asked

Omen eyes grew wide as he quickly looked over at Skunk to see he had headphones in his ears and was on his phone so Omen turned back to the crystal ball

"No, all I know is that she makes me nervous, and she gives me a weird feeling every time she smiles or laughs"Omen explained the feeling he got from Ziggy

They was a pause as Morticia and Gomez looked beyond happy at this news before they gave eachother knowing looks

"Aunt Morticia, I don't like that feeling in my gut"Omen said

"Well you'll find out what that feeling is in a matter of time, won't he, Tish?"Gomez said looking at his wife

"Yes, we would tell you, but you need to learn what this feeling is on your own"Morticia said as Gomez nodded in agreement

"But why?"Omen asked impatiently

"Because some things you need to learn on your own"Morticia said calmly

"Your aunty is right Omen, you need to realise it before someone tells you"Gomez said

"Is it something bad?"Omen asked making both Gomez and Morticia chuckle

"No, definitely not"Morticia waved her hand at Omen

"Don't worry about it my little dark flame, I went through the same thing when I was your age"Gomez chuckled

"And what is this thing?"Omen asked

"Well look at the time we have to make sure Pugsley isn't dead, goodbye darling"Morticia said and waved goodbye

"Goodbye nephew"Gomez waved as they both faded away

Omen stared at the ball confused wondering what it was that he had to realise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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