15. The Stolen Kiss

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Time flew fast that both Lisa and Jennie are not even aware they have been living together for almost two weeks. Lisa was so occupied with her projects and Jennie as usual, nagging Lisa with so much weird and nonsense requests or at least, she will annoy the woman to her nerves. Today is Saturday which means Lisa's free day of work. Both of them are having their breakfast as usual but Lisa was surely a bit different today. The woman is almost fully dressed up with a nice attire.

Curious with Lisa's bizarre appearance, Jennie decided to ask, "Lisa, where are you going?" She scanned Lisa's tall figure from head to toe. It was really unusual to see her dress up like that during weekend. Her casual attire at home would be a sleeveless shirt which she paired up with a sweat pants or short.

"I have a business to do." Lisa said short. She is done with her food and was looking for some juice in the fridge. When she close the fridge's door again, her eyes caught the countdown board. Jennie had crossed the days which had passed. The girl was surely counting the days.

"I thought you're not going to the office during weekend?" Jennie mused.

"I'm not going to the office. I'm going to have some photo shoot session." The woman blurted the details to Jennie's knowledge.

"Photo shoot session?" Jennie's brow arched to it's perfect shape of disbelief. "Don't fool me with your sarcastic joke, Lisa." Jennie shook her head. She thought Lisa was trying to make a joke on her.

"I'm saying the truth. Before I started to join Dad in the company, modelling is my career." Lisa confessed. "Wanna come with me?" The woman offered which caught Jennie off surprise. It was once in a blue moon that Lisa is willing to take her somewhere The woman usually forbid Jennie from following her.

"Alright!" The petite girl didn't take that long to weigh about it when she nodded her head gladly. What else she would do if she was left alone at this empty house? It's better if she just tagged along with Lisa to the set.

"Five minutes." Lisa made a sigh with her hands, reminding Jennie that she won't take that long to get ready.

"Ten minutes." Jennie objected and rushed to her room. Lisa can't do anything about it. Jennie is still Jennie. That girl has many clothes in her wardrobe but still she said she didn't have anything to wear.


Jennie looked for Lisa just to find her fiancee was waiting at the garage. Lisa already wore her fitted black leather. The jacket which hung perfectly on her frame, the shiny skinnies was neatly matched with a black boots. Lisa looked so radiant even though she was in all black. The classic complexion rose her skin's tone as if she was shimmering under the bright morning light. Only then a little bit belief of sparked to Jennie's mind that Lisa was once a model. Shifting her sight to the thing next to Lisa, Jennie saw a big motorbike stood there magnificently. All Jennie had in her imagination was the bike look like a superheroes' bike. She could tell that it is a luxurious super bike which she could never afford to buy it until the end of her breath. It was indeed expensive one.

"Where did you get that?" Jennie made her way nearer to the amazing super bike in front of her. Admiringly she circled around the sleek shiny machine and absorbed every details of it. She was so impressed by its exquisite design. She seen those models in magazines or catalogues but the one which is real in front of her right now was so unbelievable.

"It's mine." Lisa said. A smirk stitched to the corner of her lips. "Just arrived her yesterday from my parent's place. Do you like it, Ms. Gold digger?" Lisa intended to emphasize the GOLD DIGGER.

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