𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Taken care of𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊

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After what had felt like hours of playing Sun told Y/N to stop running and he picked them up. He carried them off to a small kitchen like area and carried them of to Moon, who was making food. Sun placed Y/N into a highchair and put some food in front of them. Y/N pushed it off the highchair and Moon sighed before picking up Y/N and sitting in a chair with them before slowly trying to feed them, which after a bit they took the food and Sun smiled at them. "How old are they?" Moon asked as he looked at sun. Sun shrugged "They said *#* but my system couldn't pick it up. it's giving different ages" He exclaimed and Moon sighed "try to look into it. for now let's try to keep them calm and perhaps not too energetic?" Moon said but Sun wasn't listening and took Y/N from his arms and ran off before bringing them into the nap area only to gra a nice shirt and put it on them along with some shorts before smiling. Y/N looked down at the shirt, it was pastel yellow with the words 'my little sunshine' on it. Sun picked them up again before placing them down only to see what they wanted to do. Y/N saw a small pillar (the things you knock over in the game) and attempted to climb up it but it collapsed and they fell and scraped their knee just a bit. Sun grabbed them and lifted them up "Are you okay Sunshine?! are you hurt?!" They shook their head before pushing him till they were put down and then Sun started putting up the blocks and Y/N knocked them over again with a laugh "Heyy!! I'm trying to clean up!!" He whined as he picked them up and placed them away from the blocks before picking them up once again. Y/N ran off to the play place to hide but they ended up getting lost and twenty minutes went by but it felt like hours.

After what felt like hours they heard Sun shouting "Sunshine!? where did you go?!" He asked in a hurry and Y/N felt like crying. sure they thought it was a dumb idea to cry but at the same time they couldn't help it, they were trying to pull themselves out of their head space but couldn't and just teared a bit and they tried to stay quiet but Moon found them and picked them up "you gave Sun quite a fright. why are you up here?" he asked in a calm and somewhat soothing tone. Y/N stared at him for a moment before cuddling into his arms and watching him look at the scraped knee "let's take you to Sun and then we can get that knee patched up and you can take a nap, it seems like you were crying for a while" He said softly and before Y/N could even protest moon got out of the play place and headed towards sun "Sunshine! there you are!! You worried me sick!" Sun exclaimed as he took them from moon "they were hiding in the play place and their knee was scrapped. and they should take a nap before anything. with their current behaviour and with what we've looked up about this so far I'd say we should set some things up first" moon said with a sigh. Y/N didn't know what was going on and when they were sat in a chair and they cleaned before putting a band aid on their knee they got carried off the the nap area where they got changed into pajamas, and pull up (because sun and moon's systems were automatically supposed to do that to children and their systems found Y/N as both a child and adult), before being put to bed with a lullaby and just being sent right off to sleep

(might be a bit short since I'm busy but I wanted to update it)

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Little Sunshine𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 *fnaf security breach*Where stories live. Discover now