A new start!?!?!

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The next, at school, you were sitting in class and talking with Uraraka, Tsuyu and Momo until you saw Bakugo coming in and you walked up to him to tell about the CD.
Y/n: Heyyy, Bakugo!!!
Bakugo: Hm...!!!???
Y/n: Was CD okay, had I found the right songs???
Bakugo: Oh, em, yeah...
Aizawa: Why aren't you in your seats already!!!???
-everyone seat down and fall silent-
Aizawa: Okay, let's start. Open your books on page 37.
After some time the boring lecture was interrupted by the sound of the bell. Everyone started to head outside for a break, so you did. You talked with your friends, you laughed, you had a great time but then everything stopped by the bell that told everyone go to their classes for lesson. So you started walking towards the classroom, you sat to your seat and open your book to be ready for the English lesson. As you reached your pencil case you found a small piece of paper that wasn't there before. You opened it from curiosity and read what was written on it. It didn't say much, it just said: "Come to North corner at the other break". Just that, no name no signature, nothing. At first you decided not to go but then curiosity overtook you and at break you started heading towards the that the paper was saying. This place was a really nice but not so visited place because it was kinda far from the main building. But it was really beautiful there. It had some benches and tables and all around there was green glass, trees and flowers. You sat on one bench waiting curious and anxious for the person who sent that note. After a little while , you felt someone's presence next to you, you turned around and to see Bakugo seated next to you!!! You gasped from surprise. Thousands and thousands of were crossing your mind, what does he want here, is he the one that sent me the note, does he want to hurt me... Your were interrupted by his voice.
Bakugo: I'm not here to hurt you...
He said with a surprisingly soft voice.
Bakugo: I...I aaaaa... wanted to thank you, for you know the... the CD...
Y/n: Oh, em, don't worry about it!
You and smiled. He blushed and you saw it before he had a chance to hide it.
Bakugo: Emmmm, I also wanted to... apologise to you for all the problems that I created you...
Y/n: Oh, em, don't worry, I forgive you.
You said with a smile again.
Bakugo: Y...you forgive me...
Y/n: Yeah, but not completely yet, but I promise you that I'll work on it!
Bakugo: I...I understand... I...I also wanted to...
Bakugo was interrupted by the sound of the bell.
Y/n: What do you want to say???
You say kinda anxious.
Bakugo: Never mind... the bell rang so we'd better go to the class or Mr. Aizawa will kill us...
He said and walked away. You followed him without saying anything. All the of  way no one spoke, no one said anything and that silence was slowly killing you. While you were walking near him your heart was beating so fast that you thought your ribcage was going to break. Your cheeks were burning hot. And you didn't know why. Your hated that feeling, or maybe not, you could say. The only thing you knew about that feeling was that he was the cause. After you finally made it to the classroom you were already late so for punishment you and Bakugo would stay one extra hour to school for studying!!!
~timeskip to the final bell~
Uraraka: She you tomorrow Y/nnnnn!!!
Y/n: Yeah, bye Uraraka...
Now it was just you and Bakugo, all alone...

Bakugo Katsuki x Fem Reader: Y/n falls for her bully Where stories live. Discover now