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A/N:this chapter is kind of confusing but i'll explain it ;)

y/n is 28 years old and a fan of maya hawke and charlize theron y/n one day met maya and y/n knew charlize would do a interview on the next day y/n even bought the tickets for the interview(idk if it has to be with tickets) (charlize is 30 and maya is 24 like her real age) y/n didnt know that maya and charlize were friends(y/n is the sister from scarlett johansson and y/n is the older one)

y/n POV
i was skating on the skatepark because i was bored and had headphones in and heard music i felt someones starring at me i slowly stopped skating and looked around i saw maya sitting there looking at me as she noticed i looked at her she looked away i was a huge fan of her i mean i'm still a huge fan of her but there was this other person Charlize theron i mean who wouldnt have a crush on them both i took my headphones out while i slowly boarded to her i stopped in front of her she looked up"fuck"she whispered"dont think i didnt saw you starring"i said"i'm sorry i just was in my own world and didnt noticed i was starring at you"she said nervous"dont try to lie to me"i said she let out a small laugh"look i know you i'm like a big fan of you and theres a different person who i am a big fan of"i said as i sat down on my skateboard in front of her"who?maybe i know her"she said"i know you know her but its charlize theron"i said"ouh i really know her she's my best friend"she said"oh god dont tell her what i said a minute ago okay"i said she hummed"you know she is on a interview tomorrow"she said"ofcourse i'm going there"i said"same wanna go there together"she asked"sure why not"i answered she smiled my phone began to rang i saw my sister called me"sorry i have to answer it"i said she hummed i answered the call

the call
sis:where are you
you:i uh at the skatepark
sis:with who and did you checked the time
you:uh with maya i just met her 5 minutes ago and no i didnt
sis:then better check the time
i looked at the time it was 8 pm
you:oh god i'm sorry i'll be home soon
sis:i hope
you:but why do i have to listen to you i'm  28 and youre 25
sis:i know but i dont want you happen the same as it happened to me a year ago
you:yeah right i'll be home in 5 or 10 minutes
sis:okay bye
i hung off"okay i'm sorry but i have to go my sister is worried about me"i said"Oh okay can i have your insta or number"she asked i nodded i handed her my phone with my number she copied it "wait whats your name"she asked"y/n"i said she nodded and named me'y/n with a pink heart"awe with a pink heart how sweet"i said"come on"she said whinning i laughed"sorry"i said she handed me my phone"okay i have to go now bye it was nice to meet you"i said"yeah it was nice to meet you too bye"she said i boarded away and took my headphones in and heard music again

at home
as i got home i took my headphones off and stopped the music i picked my skateboard up and opened the door i saw my sister kissing with her girlfriend"oh god"i said they pulled away"sorry didnt know when youre coming"my sister said"come on i told you on the call 5 or 10 minutes"i said"sorry"she said"when your going to work tomorrow cover your neck"i said"i know"she said"yeah no"her girlfriend said"dude forgot that your girlfriend is a teacher"i said"oh yeah right"she said"okay anyways i'm in my room"i said and walked to my room i sat down on my bed i took my phone i saw a random number texted me
                                                                                       the chat
hey its me maya
oh hey how are you
i'm fine and you
i'm fine too what are you doing
just laying in bed and you
same only with sitting on my bed:)
nice uh when do you wanna meet up tomorrow because of the interview
i dont know the interview starts at 2 pm maybe at 1 pm
sure at your house or mine
at mine my address is:annestreet 8
okay i'll be there i'm going to sleep now
yeah same good night sleep well
night you too bye
i turned my phone off i stood up and walked to my wardrobe and took a t-shirt and a short shorts i changed into them i walked back to my bed and laid down i pulled the blanket over me i fell asleep after 5 minutes of starring at the ceilling

next morning
i woke up by my sister yelling"y/n your friend maya is here"my sis said"fuck"i whispered to myself"okay tell her to wait infront of my door"i yelled"okay"she yelled back i jumped of from my bed i took some clothes and changed into them i fixed my hair i opened the door i saw maya standing there"hey"she said"hi"i said"okay come in"i added stepping to side so she could walk in she walked in"happy for today"she asked i hummed"you okay"she asked"yeah i'm sorry i just got up"i said"you slept till now oh god you need a timer"she said laughing"yeah i know"i said

time skip to 20 minutes before 2 pm
"okay its time to go by what did you came"i asked"oh i walked here"she said"oh okay wanna drive with me in my car"i asked she nodded"okay come on"i said we walked to my car"bye sis have fun not to much fun"i said as i closed the door maya waited at my car i unlocked the car we got in i drove to the interview

at the interview
we sat down maya got a notification she texted back after that the interviewer said"welcome charlize theron" and charlize walked out waving to the crowd'god shes so beautiful'i thought to myself"you really like her right"maya whispered to me i looked at her"yeah i do i mean who wouldnt"i said"to be honest i used to have a crush on her too"maya said"you did"i asked"as you said who wouldnt"she said i laughed a little then the interviewer began to talk
him:hey its really nice to have you here tonight i heard your best friend is here today
charlize:its nice of having me here,yeah she is in the crowd
him;do i know her
charlize:yeah its maya hawke i know she is here with a friend she met yesterday who has a big crush on me
i looked at maya"are you kidding me"i whispered"sorry i had to"she said i rolled my eyes
he looked at the crowd to find maya as he spotted her
him:which one is your friend
maya pointed at me i sunk down in my chair she pulled me up i groaned"thats the life dear"maya said i rolled my eyes
him:she is really beatiful
charlize looked at me:yeah she is
i blushed i looked down
him:maya wanna come up
i looked at maya she pointed at me and then her i looked at him he nodded"come on"maya said"no no"i said she pulled me by my wrist"i hate you for that"i whispered"sorry"she said we walked on stage
him:sit down
we sat down of course i had to sit next to charlize i gave maya a death glare"sorry"she said i rolled my eyes
him:so whats your name
you:y/n johansson
him:wait the sister from scarlett johansson
i nodded
him:thats nice didnt know that
you:yeah i know we doesnt look like the same
him:yeah how old are you
charlize: i thought you were 25 or something you look so young
you:yeah no i wísh i was 25 again
charlize:yeah same
i smiled maya made a 'ouh' sound i slapped her arm softly"ow"she said"i dont care"i said charlize laughed a little'god her laugh i cant
him:are you okay
maya:yeah she just thought about charlize's laugh
i slapped her arm again but harder this time"okay this time it really hurt"she said"sorry"i said she hummed
maya whispered:her laugh is cute right
you whispered:shut up
maya"i'll see that as a yes
maya laughed i rolled my eyes"sorry"maya said i hummed

after the interview
i was walking out with maya until"y/n wait"someone said after me i turned around i saw charlize walking to me"yeah?"i asked"can i have your number?"she asked"i uh sure"i said i took my phone out and handed her my phone with my number on it she smiled as she got my number

3 month later
charlize pov
i met y/n 3 month ago i really like her more than a friend but i dont know if she got a new girlfriend or a new crush i was meeting her in 5 minutes at a park of course i'm already there i saw a car hold some metres away i saw y/n getting out of the car she locked her car and walked to me"hey"she said"hi how are you"i asked"i'm good and you"she asked as she sat down next to me"i'm fine"i said"sooo why did you wanted to meet up"she asked"oh yeah there was something i need to tell you"i said looking at her she nodded"i'm listening"she said"uh probably you have a new crush or a girlfriend now but i really like you more than a friend"i said in one breath"why do you thin i have a new crush or a girlfriend"she asked"uh i dont know i mean its been3 months since we met"i said she looked into my eyes"i never stopped loving you"she said"you did"i asked she nodded"can-can i kiss you?"i asked nervous she laughed she leaned in and kissed me i was shocked for a second but i kissed back she pulled away"do you wanna be my girlfriend"i asked"god i was waiting for that question for years ofcourse i want to be your girlfriend"she said smiling i smiled back maya came from behind a tree"finally"she said i jumped so did y/n "girl since when are you here"y/n asked"oh since 10 minutes because i knew you both are meeting up"maya said y/n looked at me"sorry had to tell her that i'm meeting my crush well now girlfriend"i said she smiled

A/N:i hope it wasnt so confusing at the beginning

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