Chapter 3

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"Did you bring your entire garage with you to NYC?" Emma comments as they load everything into the impala.

"Almost everything, I'm gonna ask gramps to send over the last of it," Alec smiles.

"If we are gonna work at April's, you're gonna need to find a new apartment."

"Nah, I can commute easy!"

Emma shakes her head with a smile, Alec is always stubborn and loves his little slice of Italy where he lives. Coming from an Italian family, he feels at home in the community while Emma sticks out like a sore thumb. She is full Japanese but she isn't one to live in their community due to being adopted by an American family. They soon dive back to April's shop after gathering everything that Alec needs; once there Casey walks out to help Alec get everything set up in the garage. They're being civil which is good to see since half the time they get into fights over something or other.

"Thanks again April, this means a lot," Emma says as they set up her office.

"You two have done a lot to help my shop, it's the least I can do, especially since you two won't take any form of payment," April smiles.

"We are happy to help, we both love mom and pop stores and we want to help out small businesses."

The two girls talk until they hear Alec and Casey yelling at each other. Sighing, the girls go to mediate the issue they are having. They spend most of the day working before Emma heads home around 6pm, she looks exhausted by the end as she didn't get any sleep the night before. April texts Donnie to let him know Emma will not be working with him that night since she had no sleep at all that day. Emma yawns as she walks to her apartment, having refused to be driven by Casey or Alec. She wanted some fresh air since she was inside all day, as she walks home she is suddenly pulled into an alleyway. She acts and punches the person who grabbed her and spins to face them, the purple dragons. Han laughs, having felt nothing when she punched him in his chest.

"Looks like we picked a good time," He smirks. "You're weak thanks to exhaustion."

"Han, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Emma scoffs.

"My master would like to have you work with him."

"And if I say no?"

"You don't get a choice in the matter."

The purple dragons surround Emma, she looks around at them and mentally curses. She can't fight them all being so tired but she won't let them take her so easily. She fights against the purple dragons with everything she has, hoping to leave something behind for the cops to find. Her phone falls from her pocket when Han gets a good hit in, this knocks the wind out of Emma and she falls unconscious. Han picks her up and they leave, heading for the Foot's main base.

Leo and his brothers run over the rooftops that night, all happy to be out in the fresh air. They do tricks and flips as they head towards April's place, on their way, Mikey spots something in an alleyway. He jumps down, making his brothers stop in their tracks.

"Mikey, what are you doin?" Raph asks, jumping down. "Whoa, what happened here?"

"Looks like a fight broke out here," Donnie observes.

"Look at what I found," Mikey says, holding up a cell phone. "Whoever was here must've dropped it."

Donnie takes the phone and turns it on, the background is of the ocean so no clues on who owns it. He tries to open it but there is a lock on it and he doesn't have the code.

"Let's go to April's. I can hack it from her computer," Donnie says.

His brothers nod and they head off down the last two blocks, they knock on the side door and Casey opens.

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