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"Please, don't go to Maine."

Sasha knew all too well what Tony Stark looked like when he was in love, but seeing him completely consumed by bone-rattling desperation was something she never wished to see again.

It was as if he was begging, and in a way, he was, though he wasn't quite sure where to go from there. Sasha was sat beside him in a stunned silence, staring at him as she watched him blink back the tears that had glazed over his dark eyes, a child-like sadness on his face that made his vulnerable side overly present.

Tony look scared, afraid of what he'd just said and afraid at anything he might say or hear next. Though as he looked at Sasha, he saw the same fear staring right back at him.

She was shocked, clearly shaken by his words and the weight of them, her lips parted though silence remaining between them.

"I-I have to, I have to start fresh, I can't be here anymore."

Tony's eyes softened as he tilted his head, one brow raised as he shifted in his seat.

"Why? You keep saying all of this stuff, these things you have to do, things you need to do, but you can never really give me an explanation as to why."

Sasha just sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as she shook her head, "Not everything needs an explanation, Tony. I don't have to justify my actions to you, or to anybody else."

"I can't just let you walk away, not like this. If you're going to give up on what we have, on us, I think I at least deserve some answers."

Sasha kissed her teeth, pulling her eyes away from Tony. Her heart had started to beat faster and the blood in her veins was boiling, an anger coursing throughout her bones that riled her up, forcing her to her feet as she turned and began to walk away from him.

He quickly followed her, cursing himself for his irrational words yet being unable to keep them to himself any longer.

"Are you really happy with the thought that we're over forever? Do you ever think about our relationship, the love that we had, how much it changed both of our worlds? I can't believe that you can just so willingly walk away from all of it without even giving things another chance."

Sasha's feet came to a standstill after Tony finished speaking. He was a few paces behind her all while he hurled his deep and quite frankly hurtful questions towards her, a bitter twist on his tongue that made her blood run cold and taint more memories that were once golden, a dark maroon.

"You did this, Tony," Sasha narrowed her eyes at him as they stood three feet apart behind a rose bush, hidden from the rest of the world, "You made your decisions, you hurt me in the process, and now you have to deal with the repercussions, is that a good enough explanation for you?"

Tony just scoffed, shaking his head as the anger radiating from a woman who was usually as delicate as an angel, suddenly spawned the devil's horns.

"People make mistakes, Sasha. We all do. You didn't even give me the chance to apologise, to try and make things right. I wanted to love you, protect you, make you happy and keep you safe, and I fucked it up, I know that. I might not deserve a second chance in your eyes because in your world, I know nobody ever seems to get them, but I can't understand how you can walk away from this so easily after everything."

Sasha's face dropped, the rage disappearing for a split second as the obscenity of Tony's words registered in her ears.

"You think this is easy?" She whispered, laughing darkly under her breath, "You think having my heart ripped out of my chest is easy? You think having to turn my back on the one thing that's made sense in my life was a breeze? A walk in the park? You think deciding to leave a city that I once called my home, where my brother's grave is, where I found my feet in life, you think all of that is easy?"

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