Chapter 28 - Mute, Not Calm

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Hitoshi checked every corner before turning it, shooting the woman who followed him against his will an umpteenth glare as she kept talking to him. Ever since he woke up after being dragged into her room 'for protection', Aimi made it clear she wasn't willing to leave him alone after his short loss of consciousness. Now he had to try to sneak out of the lair with a blabbering woman behind him and he couldn't tell her to shut up.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?I'm trying to help you", her voice was as shaky as it always was with him. It was something that irked him; she was, to put it simply, a cry baby.

"Hitoshi", oh, how he hated her nerve for continuing disrespectfully calling him his first name after all she'd done,"at least listen to me. I'm trying to fix things!!"

He tried to ignore her as best as he could. The quirk's effect on him prevented him from engaging and in a way it helped, otherwise he might get distracted arguing with her instead of escaping like Aizawa had told him. Either way his mind couldn't fully be on her. He had bigger worries than the childish woman.

Aimi had mentioned that he was unconscious for about half an hour. During that time, the man with the goatee should've definitely made it to your house by then and not knowing whether you were safe had him about to pull his hair. He was growing impatient with the lack of information from his teacher's end and not being able to simply ask made him feel more disconnected. 

Every second was tormenting him more and more, which is why his already thin patience with Aimi was thinning further. She was the reason you were being targeted by a villain and she had the stupid belief she could 'fix things'. It pissed him off more to think that by 'fixing things', she wasn't even thinking about you; she meant to fix things between them two so he wouldn't be mad at her anymore.

Hitoshi stopped walking. He knew what he was about to do was both heavily influenced by his irritation and anxiety but he didn't let that stop him. A window was nearby, and the woman trailing him wouldn't go as far as to jump after him if he jumped all the way down to ground level(though he was only 60% sure about that). With that in mind, he ran straight for the window.

He crossed his arms in front of his face to protect it from the impact as the glass shattered and braced himself to hit the ground. A scream of fear and objection came from behind him but he ignored it, finding relief when he hit the floor with no major brunt he couldn't handle. The man felt a few cuts here and there but dismissed it; he was out of the lair but still in danger. Breaking the window had caught the attention of a few villains that still wandered outside from his first run off.

Fighting wouldn't be the smart choice. The quirk on him practically forced him to not use his own and he was tired of putting off his doubts any longer. He had to know you were safe. The villains began shouting insults and calling him a coward as he ran from them but it was nothing he cared about when he finally heard Aizawa's voice in his comm.

"I heard a window shatter. Did you break out?"

Why was his teacher asking questions when he knew he couldn't answer? Hitoshi almost debated trying to answer but changed his mind as he felt a tingle shoot up its throat. The damn thing was threatening him.

"Right", he heard a low chuckle in his comm after the brief silence,"head back to the agency. Don't worry about villains chasing you all the way here, reinforcements will take care of them while you get out safely. We have the guy that used his quirk on you. I planned on taking him to you but we may get some information out of him if we keep him, so come to us instead. (Last Name) is also here. She's okay."

Hitoshi's heart leaped at your mention and he didn't waste a second in heading to the agency. He heard Aimi's shouts of his name get lost in the distance and he convinced himself: for the danger she had put you in, he wasn't letting her get away with it. 


I wasn't particularly looking forward to writing this chapter because him escaping isn't that eventful, plus he doesn't even get to talk, so I do apologize for the super short chapter, but I'll likely update twice tomorrow :)

Chapter Details:

Written 12/12/2022

Published 12/12/2022

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