Hi my name is

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Hi, my name is Jackie. Jackie Hogan. I'm just your.. Almost normal 16 year old girl with brown hair and almost abnormal big blue eyes. (In cover) When I was born, something inside my brain messed up so my eyes came out bigger than most people's. Anyways back to my story. I live with my mom and dad on the side of a hill next to a road called ghost town. I can see why. Hardly anyone here.. Everynow and then I see a little boy or a stray cat come out behind our house. Creepy, I know, but I try not to pay too much attention to it. I don't have any friends or family here so most of the time I'm in the house on my bed relaxing and watching disney movies. It's... The only movies we own. Don't Judge. The high school is too far from my house so I don't go. My mom is well.. she has too much of a temper to home school me. And my dad stays gone most of the time. But I guess I'm cool with that. I'd much rather be alone anyways. I don't like socializing with people or pretty much any living thing. I have social anxiety. I've had it ever since I was 12. I've never been able to talk or go anywhere without panicking about people staring or walking towards me. I remember in the 6th grade when I tried to talk to my crush, Gared Livestocking, .. Gosh he was a hottie... Oh wait *clears throat* sorry. Anyways I tried to talk to him and get him to notice me. We were doing a project together at the time and well I thought it would be a good time to try. But being the clumsy and shy person I am I ended up panicking and spilling glue all over his 400$ jacket. He never talked to me again after that. Everytime he saw me coming his direction he'd flee with his so called "friends" of his.


"*coughs* HOLD ON MOM."

Anyways now that you know my story.. I'll think you'll understand wait's about to happen next.. Or maybe not... If you don't just try... :)

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