
7 1 1

A hour went by, that felt like a eternity. I looked over at Link to see him looking me up and down biting his lip.

"Woah man! I'm only 16!" I said panicking. I scooted over a little afraid that he would try and make a move on me. I'm tied up so if he tried anything I couldn't fight back. Which makes it a hundred times worse.

Clearing his throat he apologized, moving his eyes over to a picture on the wall. A beautiful blonde woman was in the picture, holding what looked like a puppy. I smiled a little but didn't say anything incase the person was dead or... Gone. As mean as it sounds I don't feel like hearing any sob stories. I already had a lot on my mind I don't need more adding on to it. Call me a bitch. Oh well.

I examined the other pictures on the wall. Most of them were just paintings of flowers and other nature. A few were of family. Or I'm guessing that's what they are.

"Nice pictures" I said, trying to start conversation.

"Thanks... I guess." He said awkwardly, "the paintings are my grandma's, the pics are my..." He paused, I could see a glint of anger and sadness in his eyes.

"It's alright" I said quickly, before he could say anymore. "So... where IS your grandma? Didn't you say this was her house? Or were you lying?"

Link tensed up, "Yeah this is her house and no she's not here. NO I'm not lying.  Please stop asking so many damn questions."

"No! You kidnapped me! And tied me up in this stupid rope! I should be able to know these things!" I exclaimed, feeling my face get hot. Damn he's lucky I'm tied up.

"Bitch" He mumbled, which made me even angrier.

"The fuck did you say?" I said, hearing a snapping sound come from behind my back. The rope.. Snapped in half? How? I'm not that strong... Am I? I pulled my arms out from my back quickly undoing my ankles.

"Hey! How-" before he could finish I punched him in his face. In a matter of seconds I was on top of him, like a angry wild cat.

"LISTEN YOU PRICK!" I grabbed a hold of his shirt pulling him close to my face. Stopping I soon regained my control, "woah.. I'm so sorry.. I wasn't myself there for a few seconds.."

Link pushed me off him, "t-that was... AWESOME!"

"Awesome? I... I punched you in the face. And almost ripped your shirt?"

"I don't care that was still awesome." He smiled a toothy smile, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You're insane" I said, shaking my head and brushing his hand off.

"Ugh.. Is your grandma coming home soon? What are you gonna tell her when she comes home and there is a random girl in her house and rope all over the floor?"

He smirks, "well I can tell her we um-"

"NO" I exclaim, causing him to roll over laughing.

We were both interrupted by loud knocking coming from the front door. I'm guessing that was his "Grandma". Silence rung in my ears as I waited for a old crippled woman to come through the door.

"Come in!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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