You're not alone

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I force my legs to walk downstairs and get the spagetti my mom fixed. She was supposed to fix it two hours ago but being the lazy and over-tempered cow she is, she made me wait. Oh well I guess I shouldn't complain. Usually she makes me wait an entire day to eat just for her own sick amusement, or throw the food in my face. Which is a huge part in why barely have any clothes. Most of them are in a pile dirty with food stains and dust in our bathroom.

Mom hasn't washed clothes in a while. Dad would wash them but he really doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. As long as his clothes are washed, nothing else matters. I forced a smile and went into the kitchen to get the food.

My mouth watered as I stared down at the steaming noodles, "Mmmm... Oh uh thanks m-mommy" my small squeaky voice shook and cracked at fear of her throwing it at my face. I knew it would burn like hell.

"Yep" she said shoving it into my hands. I cringe my teeth to stop a ear piercing scream from coming out as droplets of burning water from the noodles hit my hand. The spot turns red "Shit" I whisper, my eyes get a little bigger as her head whips around. Locks of brown hair smack my face "What did you say?" She says before her hand collides with my face. My mouth drops, she's never hit me in my face before. Tears form slowly in my eyes "S-sorry" I walk over to the chair by our kitchen table sitting down to eat my food.

"Where is Dad? He was supposed to be home an h-hour ago." I ask, my voice still choked up from the tears in my eyes.

"You're dad isn't coming home Jackie" she says glaring into my eyes, "and its all your fault."

"My fault?!" I frown, "how?!"

"First, lower your voice, second, he said he didn't want to deal with your stupid irritating ass no more... ITS ALL YOUR F***ING FAULT" she mocks my screaming, only hers was more hateful and laced with venom.

I take a deep breath, thinking of how it could be fault. I don't know how the living hell he could be tired of dealing with me when he doesn't see me half of the time. Damn excuses. He probably just wants to get away from her bitch ass since all she seems to do is lay around and complain. It's her fault not mine. With that thought I get up, putting my plate in the sink to go back up stairs.

Two hours later I fell asleep, from crying so much. Black eyeliner was smeared over my cheeks and chin. Soft, cold air seeped through the crack in my window and hit my face, causing my eyes to fly open. I tense up but slowly calm down as I realize that was only the wind.

"Jesus Christ!" I say clenching onto my pillow, staring silently at my wall.

All was quiet and still, until a loud banging sound hits my ears. It's replaced by a ringing sound that made my head pound. "Arghgh.. H-hello?" I manage to choke out, trying to drown out the almost unbearable sound in my ears. "Dad?" I cry out even though I knew he wasn't coming back.
No reply.
Then, a small creak. My heart sinks as I realize whoever or whatever was in my house was on the steps. Get the bat... Sweat rolls down my head as the thought slowly processes in my head. With shaking legs I scatter towards my closet almost tripping over the stuff on my floor. I manage to make it without face planting and get the plastic pink bat my uncle got me a few christmases ago. Eh, I shrug, better than nothing.

I start to turn around but then a dreaded thought that makes my stomach churn crosses my already worried mind. What if I turn around, and come face to face with a mad man? Or worse. A wolf with rabies. Jackie. Get it together. Wolves don't just bust into peoples houses for no reason. It's probably just mom. I shake those thoughts away and keep the bat in my hands just incase. Okay count to three I tell myself.

"One. Two. Three." With one good spin, I turn around. Everything in me gets weak as a pair of hazel eyes meet mine.

A stranger but a friend (kidnap fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now