katya:they are soo sweet 🥺
derwin:aha yo hate sweet my darling 😌
katya:thank honey but that baby 🥺 is soo sweet
derwin smile
katya:honey can we a baby make plz 🥺
i know as parnet is heavy butderwin:i say yes we can
katya:very :D
derwin:yes for you my queen vampir
we can together makekatya:right 😌
derwin:my parnet raine and mama eda say ok
katya:wait they knew too
derwin:no 0-0 is a supried honey
katya:oh ohhhh 0-0
derwin:ah no matter
derwin kiss katya
katya kiss derwin back
laterkatya had always not
derwin:hey don't worry ok
katya:yeah i had not so think i sorry
derwin:its ok katy
katya:i love you derwin whisper clawthorne
dwewin:i love you too katy
both kiss
victoria whispers clawthorne
Aventuravictoria whispers clawthorne magic is bard potions and heal age 16 year old family derwin (dad) katya (mom) amber (aunt) pedro (cousins) eda (grandmother) lilith (grandaunt) raine (grandparent) gwendolyn (grandgrandmother) blue and ella (grandgran...