Chapter 15

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In drama on Tuesday, we didn't do much. Mr Ledeki's senior drama class was performing a short play for an assignment, so we all went to watch. Nick was the male lead and Mandy and Sasha clapped loudly after his first scene. The play took up most of the lesson because Nick's class had needed some time to set up. They performed in the auditorium and our class got to sit in the front row. I sat next to Mr Ledeki.

It was only a dress rehearsal, so the auditorium was relatively empty. Their final performance was the Thursday before the opening night of West Side Story. The set was spread across the whole stage, so we hadn't been able to start setting up yet.

The play went a bit overtime but when the bell went we all left to go to our next class.


I had history before lunch. It had become my least favourite subject ever since Ryan had started being a jerk, even worse than math. Hayden seemed to hate sitting in the middle, but he did it anyway. I couldn't help but wonder why he was so different when I met him. I guess you have to know someone to really see who they are.

I glanced at Ryan. He was paying zero attention and watching a football game on his open laptop.

I nudged Hayden. "Can you elbow Ryan for me?"

Hayden rolled his eyes and gently nudged his friend. Maybe I didn't know him that well because I couldn't figure out why he was still friends with that guy.

Ryan glared at me and nudged Hayden back, who passed it on to me. I went to elbow him again and Hayden threw up his hands.

"I don't want to be in the middle of this! My ribs can't take it!" He stood up and moved to another table.

Ms Bonham looked up from the board but didn't stop talking. She had moved on from World War I to World War II and the Holocaust. How ironic.


I liked to read, but I hadn't read a book that wasn't for school since before I had moved to Myers Harbour. On Tuesday after school I went to the library to try to find something to read. Lola, my best friend from North Shores, had watched and loved the Pretty Little Liars show, so when I saw the book I decided to borrow it.

I sat on my bed all afternoon and read. The book was so good that I finished it that day. At 10pm I finished the book and realised I had missed dinner. I decided to go back to the library on Wednesday and get the second book. I had to find out what happened next.


On Friday, I organised a movie night for Hayden, Riley and I. I wasn't trying to leave out Claire and Sophia, but when they weren't around, I didn't have to worry about accidentally saying something that would freak them out or make them suspicious, and I just wanted to relax.

Hayden arrived first. He rang the doorbell and when I opened the door, he was standing there in his pyjamas.

"What are you wearing?" I covered my mouth with both hands to stop myself from laughing at him.

"Pyjamas." He frowned. "Isn't this what you wear to a movie night?"

"No!" I couldn't hold it back anymore and doubled over laughing. He wasn't just wearing pyjamas, he was wearing a baby blue onesie covered in little yellow rubber duckies.

"My sister is evil," he muttered.

I straightened up and lead him into the living room. "You have a sister?"

"Yeah. She's the same age as Ryan's brother Aiden and she's evil."

I bit back a smile. "Did she pick out your outfit?"

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