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Today the new girl was starting and Milla alongside enid were preparing the room for her because she was going to be sharing the room with the two

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Today the new girl was starting and Milla alongside enid were preparing the room for her because she was going to be sharing the room with the two.

"I don't get why we have to take down all the cute decorations, so what if she doesn't like it, we were here first." With her big attitude milla had to take down all her music posters, cute decorations and pictures from the shared living room place in their dorm. "Maybe she'll let us keep it?" All they could do was hope. "I wish, have you heard all the rumours, she eats her victims, that doesn't typically sound like a bully colourful girl." Milla exclaimed to enid, not sure how their new roommate is gonna be, they have a good sense though.

" Milla exclaimed to enid, not sure how their new roommate is gonna be, they have a good sense though

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It had been a while finally milla and enid had finished taking down all the decorations, both of them exhausted. Enid and Milla finally got the chance to take a chill pill and relax for the rest of the afternoon till the new girl comes, both decking to watch Netflix on Enid's laptop.

After a few episodes of selling sunset, the girls love watching the drama, and all of the beautiful architecture of the houses. Neither of them realised the door open and professor Weems entered till she spoke up introducing the girls their new roommate.

"This is enid Sinclair and Milla Thorpe. Wednesdays new roommates." Weems exclaimed to Wednesday and her parents. Milla paused Netflix and closed the laptop while enid was already a mile ahead of her already greeting the newcomer.

"Howdy roomie!" enid squealed going in for a hug, retracting her hands once she saw wednesday take a step back away from her. "Not a hugger got it. Well this is all of our rooms, I know you'll come to love it." Enid replaced the hug with friendly banter.

This was Milla's chance to properly meet Wednesday. "Hi, I'm Milla, you must be Wednesday." Milla cheerfully greeted Wednesday. "Hello Milla." Was all Wednesday replied with, you could tell she wasn't much of a talker.

"Are you ok, you look a little pale." Enid spoke up moving her hands to refer to Wednesday's face. "Excuse Wednesday, she's allergic to colour.", Gomez Addams told the girls, Wednesday's father. "Yes, sickly allergic, truly horrid." Morticia Addams added on, Wednesday's mother.

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