5. Inviting

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It was remarkable how much better I felt after a decent sleep even though it was not long enough. And I'd had a fun evening with Taehyung at my first ever accidental slumber party, and enjoyed when his friends came over to eat and hang out. If I were more brave I'd actually invite someone over. I could plan out a night, order pizza, rent a movie, do something fun. I'm sure Taehyung would say yes if I asked him, but would it be because that's what he wanted to do or because he was too polite to say no. I knew I'd see him a lot because we lived near each other, so maybe I shouldn't be too pushy asking for his friendship and attention. We'd have homework to work on, projects to do, maybe we'd share groceries once in a while. I didn't want to wear out my welcome knowing he'd have to put up with me for the next two years. I left early for once until I got to the elevator and Taehyung asked if I'd brought both our books. I had brought neither copy of Lord of the Flies. I ran back and checked around the couch and table, found them on the kitchen counter where someone neater than I am had carefully placed them to make sure no one spilled on them. When I got back to the elevator I apologized to Taehyung for kidnapping his book. He said he owed me a ransom for its safe return.

In English we were given some free time to read our books, and I wondered if I should get out my phone and start reading Dracula. Because I'd fallen asleep the night before last I'd have to watch the second half of the movie over again. I found it hard to focus trying to read so worked on making an outline for my essay that would be due soon. I realized I never wrote outlines unless they were specifically assigned and ended up doodling, which is silly because I can't draw doodles. In history Jia and Hannah were talking about the drama that Taehyung and I had seen the night before. I was excited listening to them because I almost knew what was going on, I mean, I didn't have any idea, but I felt included in their conversation even though I didn't know any of the characters. When Mrs. G came over to assess our progress on the timelines we were supposed to be working on she chided us for being distracted by the show from the night before, then spent almost ten minutes talking about the lengthy list of dramas the lead had been in before this current show. She was a fan. Before class ended Taehyung got our attention. He and his friends didn't have any plans Saturday, which I knew meant that it was a rare change for them not to have work that day, and he invited the three of us to go with them to Achasan. He said we could walk around and that they'd bring food so we could have a picnic. The other girls were excited, and Taehyung said they were welcome to invite anyone else to join. I wondered if I was included in that. There were only four other people I knew, and I also knew how his friends would feel if I invited them. Still, I was looking forward to it. I hadn't had a chance to explore any parts of Seoul for fun yet, and going to a park for a picnic seemed like a good way for me to get to know the other students outside of school and learn more about the area so I'd be less clueless in general.

When I'd made it through the lunch line with some cheese wontons and a banana I saw that Jungkook had already gone through the line and was sitting with his brothers at their table with his lunch in front of him. He seemed to ignore my gaze, and I felt stupid, there was no other way to put it, like a child being traded off between two obstinate parents in a hostile custody sharing detente. I followed Taehyung more dejectedly than I would have otherwise and took my usual seat with his friends. This was just my first week at my new school and so much had already happened to me, things that would not have happened to me if I had stayed in Los Angeles. I liked feeling comfortable, but a small part of me was glad that I was experiencing new things and being tested. Still okay with being completely comfortable, I reminded myself, and any deity with a penchant for ironic punishment who was listening to my thoughts. I couldn't help that my eyes wandered over to where the Bangs were sitting. Even though Jungkook's back was to me, I kept thinking he might turn around and at least meet my eyes and I could give him the slightest hint of a wave. Maybe the resentment they harbored was mutual.

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