Chapter 23

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Third person's pov

It was a dim lited room where a young man was sitting with another man.

The young man said, '' we have to do something. That malhotra is living too happily, destroying my everything''.

The other man said, '' have some patience young man. His happiness will be snatched soon. He loves his wife too much. His wife is his weakness. Let's break the love of them and make him miserable.'' and laughed evilly.

The young man smirked at him. He said, '' I had grudge on Ekansh Malhotra. I am jealous of him. But I am not getting what is your problem with him? Why are you so interested in taking revenge on him? What did he did to you? ''

The other man replied with bitterness, ''I have no grudge against him. I hate another person close to him. I want to take revenge on him. So I had to hurt Ekansh malhotra to hurt that person.''

The young man said, '' but how do we break them? ''

The other man smirked and said, '' I have a plan in my mind. ''

Ishita's pov

This two days was bliss. We spent the whole time, talking, laughing and others you know. Ansh made me feel loved, he made me complete. We completed each other. Yesterday Adi came back.

I wake up late today as my hubby didn't let me sleep whole night. We slept just before the daybreak. I looked my side to see him till sleeping and give a peck on his forehead. I got out of his clutch and quickly went to freshened up.

I took a shower and get ready in a Pink kurti with white Palazzo not before covering all the hickeys. I came out and saw ansh sleeping on his stomach. I sat beside his head and run my fingers in his hair. He put his head in my lap and snuggled in my stomach.

Me - ansh, wake up. It's morning. You have to go to work, remember.

He opened his eyes and give me a angelic smile. He said,''Good morning to you too ,love''.

He kissed my forehead  and get up. He went to the washroom and I went downstairs.

The maids had already prepared the breakfast. I helped them to set the table. Adi came down and said,

''Good morning bhabhi''.

Me - Good morning Adi.

Ansh also came down in his office clothes and said, '' Good morning''.

Adi - Good morning bhai.

I served them and sat beside ansh. We finished our breakfast talking and laughing but truely said, I am missing mom-dad.

After breakfast Adi left in his car. I get my bag from upstairs and left with ansh as he was going to drop me.

He stopped the car in front of my bank. I was about to get down when he held my hand. I raised my eyebrow questioningly.

Ansh - you are forgetting my kiss, baby.

Me - here? Anyone can see us.

Ansh-  windows are tinted. So no one can see what is happening in the car.

I give a peck on his lips and was about to pulled away when he held my neck and deepens the kiss. After some time he left my lips.

I bid him bye and get down the car with a tomato face. On the way I meet divi.

Divi - hi, ishu.

Me - hey divi.

Divi - ishu, you are glowing. Answer me truly, did you guys did 'it'?

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