Chapter 32

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Author's pov

Ekansh came back home after the meeting. When he went to their bedroom, he did  not find Ishita. As she was not in the living room he thought maybe be she came to their bedroom. Then he checked all around the house but didn't find her.

Now he was getting all bad thoughts. He also called ishita's parents  house, ashish and divya but she is not with them. By that time Ekansh's parents, adi all came back even ishita's parents and ashish and divya hearing the news of ishita's missing.

From the sevants he got to know that ishita went out with the driver. So he called the driver but he didn't picked up. After some time he called back and informed that he was in hospital as some people came and hit him. When he became conscious he didn't find ishita so he called him.

Everyone was tensed for them. Their moms started crying. Ekansh's condition was worst. His heart and heartbeat was not with him. Maybe they are in danger.If someone hurt them. He is not in lack of enemies.Just thinking this he is becoming pale.

Ashish - Ekansh don't worry we will find them. Nothing will happened.

Ekansh - we have to. We have to find them. If something happen to them, I don't know what I will do to myself.

A drop of tear slipped from his eye. He wiped it hastily. Because he can't be weak now. He have to find his wife and baby. He have to punish the person in worst way possible who tried to hurt his wife and baby.

From the cctv footage of the shop they got to know that when ishita came out of the shop some people came and kidnap ishita. They all were wearing masks. The number plate of the car was also blank.

The best hacker team was present in Malhotra mansion to track the location of ishita. But they could not find anything.

Adi - why are we not able to locate bhabhi? What are you guys doing?

One of the hacker - we are trying our best sir. But I think the tracker is destroyed that's why we are not getting anything.

Ekansh was thinking something deeply. The kidnapper knew that ishita have a tracker in her bracelet. Only their families knows this. Was someone from their family helping them? Or involved in it? Suddenly something clicked his mind. There is one more way to find ishita. There was a device in ishita's mangalsutra. It can also work as a Bluetooth if it switched.

Ekansh - I am telling you one more code. Check the location of this device.

The hackers started their work and checked its location.

Hacker - Sir we found a location. It is 2 km from here. It's a remote area.

Ekansh - Adi contact police and came in the location. Ashish, security team ready???

Ashish - yes

Ekansh - let's go.

Ekansh took his licensed gun and went out with ashish and security team. Adi went to the police. Other's were at home praying for all of them.

When ishita opened her eyes she saw she was in a old house. Her hands and legs were tied. She was feeling dizzy. She more scared about her baby.

Ishita - baby you okay  na?

As if the baby understand the situation it kicked. Ishita smiled feeling this.

Ishita - don't worry baby. I am here. I do not let anything happening to you. You papa must started searching for us till now. don't worry. You have your mumma.

She started struggling with the ropes. In between this the switch on the device of her mangalsutra turned on. She was feeling hungry and the ropes which are tied tightly was not helping her.

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