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"Whew...I guess this'll have to do until I get my fridge..."

You've spent the majority of your day lifting and moving boxes of your belongings into your new apartment. Your back hurt, you were sweaty, and it just so happened to be one of Musutafu's hottest summer days.

You were fortunate to have a convenience store right down the street from your new home. You hadn't had many groceries yet, so you decided to take advantage of the opportunity to do some exploring.

You'd start at the prestigious Hero Academia the following week. Despite the fact that it was late, you were finally able to secure an affordable apartment building walking distance from the school. Everything leading up to moving and attending U.A. had been such a long and drawn-out process that you'd finally reap the benefits of. Who wouldn't go to such lengths to attend such a school?

"Hey you're holding the line up!"

"I have to get my kids from school..."

A flurry of complaints catches your attention, and you glance over to see what's going on at the front counter. There was a boy with messy indigo hair who was shaking like a leaf as he struggled to retrieve any money from out his bag.

"S-Sorry...I know it's in here somewhere...." The nervous man began to panic as the likelihood of him finding anything to pay with in his pockets dwindled.

'Of course I forget my money the one day I try to face my fears and be helpful...never again!' The man mentally screams as he realizes he'd have to humiliate himself further by admitting he had no money to pay for anything. 'Such an inconvenience, wasting everyone's time...he already rang my things up. I can't come back here again—'

"This should be enough, right?" You smile and hand the cashier enough money to cover both you and the nervous male.


You notice the guy next to you becoming more fidgety, struggling to object while the cashier places the items in a bag. He couldn't bear the thought of a stranger, let alone a girl, paying for his items. What would his loudly courteous friend say if he found out? That it wasn't gentlemanly to have a girl cover for you in such a way??

Despite how late it was, the indigo-haired man musters the courage to speak up. "Y-you....you really don't need to do that...it's not that import—" The male is cut off once more when you grab the receipt and bags, then drag him out of the store with you.

'She...a girl...a GIRL IS TOUCHING ME!' The boy's face turns bright red, his internal cheering soon coming to a halt as you let go of his hand. He was worried that you had picked up on his thoughts through some strange mind reading ability...perhaps even more so because he secretly wished he could hold your hand for longer... You placed the bag on a nearby bench and began emptying your belongings into the reusable bag you had brought with you.

"Seriously..." the male mumbles again. 'At least let me do it...'

"Seriously it's no biggie." You laugh and hand the boy his grocery bag, the sweet sound making his heart skip a beat. He takes in your soft features for a moment before shakily taking the bag into his hands. He hadn't noticed how pretty you were because he had his head down in shame the entire time. Not only were you a cute girl, but he admired how quickly you jumped in to save his pathetic ass.

'She'd make a good hero.'

He couldn't tell if you were messing with him...no way you were kind enough to get involved in such a situation that only inconvenienced you in the end. The only person he knew that'd be able to pull that off was—

"But I'm sorry for pulling you like that...," you nervously place a hand on your shoulder and look to the side. "You looked really scared with all those people complaining behind you. I thought it'd be more comfortable for you out here."

"Why are you apologizing when you just saved my life...," The boy murmurs dramatically, and you give him a confused look seeing as you didn't hear him. "I-I mean...thank you...for helping."

Upon hearing his words, you give the boy a smile and hold your hand out. "(Last name) (Name). It's nice to meet you uh..."

"A-Amajiki Tamaki! That's my name...," Tamaki responds and is quick to shake your hand. It was so soft. He wondered how even your hands had managed to be so cute...the light colored nail polish and a silver bracelet with a small crescent moon attached to it. It wasn't much, but he was already taken with your girlishness.

"You look about my age...oh! Do you go to U.A. by any chance?" You ask. This was a perfect opportunity to make new friends! You'd rather not have to figure all of that out on the first day...it'd be nice knowing at least one other student to help calm your nerves.

"I do...I'm in the hero program in my second yea—"

Before the male could finish, your phone began to buzz.

"Ah shoot, my landlord..." You give Tamaki an apologetic look as you make your way towards your new home. "I transfer this week! Let's continue this talk there! See ya, Tamaki!!" You wave and leave the boy there stunned.

His face flushed once more as you called his first name so casually...you seemed so strange and daring to him. He couldn't possibly keep up with someone so extroverted and easygoing. He already struggled with one person in that position.

"I didn't even get to bring up paying her back..."


Hii! After some thinking, I've finally decided to publish yet another story. I've been in the writing mood for some time now with tons of ideas so...why not publish something and see how it goes?

Another thing is I'm not totally sure how this story will go about so bare with me...I'm still coming up with the m/c's quirk and hero name. An idea I had was centered about m/c being able to summon certain weapons from her body. I also thought it'd be cool if she could shroud them in a black aura or flame which could be utilized in different ways.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated

𝒫𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝐵𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝑒 || Tamaki AmajikiWhere stories live. Discover now