Chapter 3

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The Land Of Foxes/Kitsune No Kuni

While switching places nanami lost consciousness, when she switched she must've used a lot of her own chakra. She had switched with one of the most powerful foxes, the current head of the foxes, Yuudai. 

Yuudai had replaced kurama as head when he got sealed, though Yuudai was the kitsunes leader, but he wanted to live a peaceful life with his wife and kit. Yet the other foxes insisted Yuudai to become head as he once saved them when the snakes decided to invade their realm.

The foxes were looking at the unconscious female with curiosity, they were whispering on what to do with the human. It has been millennials since a mortal had came into the land. Most foxes haven't even seen a human yet.

 Their leader, Yuudai is still not here so they had to make a decision before the human wakes up, a fox with 7 tails spoke to suggest something. " fellow council members, may i suggest something? As of right now Yuudai is missing along with the fox summoning scroll, and now this little girl showed up and she probably got the scroll somehow and she had wrote her name in it, now Yuudai is missing along with the scroll. This is most likely because somehow this little girl had reversed summoned herself by accident or she had the intention to come here. She must be no ordinary female, i suggest we tie her up before she wakes up. We must not underestimate her after all she switched with our current head, she must've passed out from chakra exhaustion." 

Most of the foxes agreed though some did not agree they chose not to speak up, but a female 8 tailed fox decided to make another suggestion , " i disagree, that little girl is special, i can feel it. There is a reason she ended up in here, the fox scroll has been guarded by powerful beings who were trained by kurama-sama himself and he is the only fox who can take the scroll without even doing anything."

"Kiyomi are you suggesting that this human is aquatinted with kurama-sama?" The 7 tailed fox from before spoke up, "im serious Toshi, i somehow feel kurama-sama. I think that girl is currently the vessel he is trapped in"   The female fox, Kiyomi had identified the 7 tailed fox, Toshi and is now claiming that the female girl is the human prison that their beloved leader is trapped in.

The other foxes agreed and disagreed, some thinks they should tie the girl up, and some thinks that she should just lay her in a bed and wait for her to wake up.  Since they were disagreeing another male fox with 8 tails suggested a vote. There were currently 9 foxes in the council room, they all had different opinions on what to do.

All in favor of tying the girl up? Five foxes raised their tails indicating that voted yes, "well i think we all know which vote is gonna win." 

All in favor of letting the girl rest ? four foxes raised their tails. "A total of 5 foxes voted to tie nanami up and a total of 4 foxes chose to let her rest."

Looks like the majority of us chose to tie her up, said the 8 tailed fox, Kiyomi knew it was wrong but she lost the vote. As the 8 tailed fox was about to tie the girl up Kiyomi said something "wait Tamostu are you sure?, she's just a kid" 

Tamostu the 8 tailed fox responded with a nod, as he was gonna grab the girl when his paws touched her a powerful red chakra surrounded the room and a fox figure started forming.

All the foxes backed up, they regretted their decisions. Kiyomi immediately bowed as noticed her master's chakra forming. The other foxes soon bowed when they felt the chakra, they know that chakra all too well, it was their master kurama. 

As the chakra finished building up, it was in a shape of a nine tailed fox. " do not lay a hand on her". The chakra kitsune had spoken in a dark and powerful voice, the 7 tailed fox, Toshi and Tamostu immediately came up to the 9 tailed chakra and bowed, both of them knew what they did was wrong specially Toshi. 

"Master kurama, i am deeply sorry about what i had suggested, once i saw the chakra built up i knew that kiyomi was right. This little girl must be you're vessel, i was only thinking of our safety. I am so sorry kurama-sama"

The apology Toshi had said was most definitely sincere, and now it was Tamostu who gave an apology.

Kurama-sama, i am also deeply sorry i only tried to tie her up due to the vote we had. It was not my intention to offend you master. 

All of you rise, there was no right and wrong between your decisions today. It was was most definitely a shock if you see a mortal enter our realm. This little girl is Nanami Uzumaki, daugther of Kushina Uzumaki and a distant relative of Mito Uzumaki. The 3rd human i've been trapped in, though do not hold it against her. She was only a infant when i got sealed, i would never forget that day. Uchiha  "Madara" controlled me once again, no words can describe how much i hate humans.But she's different, she's had a very hard life in her village because of me. I hope you all will help her bloom into a powerful kunoichi, i want you all to raise her as if she was my daughter as she treated me not as weapon but as a mentor and a friend.

I do not have much time, the seal im trapped in is made by the God of Death, my chakra was cut in half, im not the powerful kyuubi that once roamed this land. I'm using all of my chakra to bypass the seal and speak to all of you, I will disappear for a year at most to regain my chakra. I hope you all will train her and teach her brand new things. Make sure she gets along with the kitsunes and i want all of you to announce that i am back and she will be my heir when she gets old enough, she might not be a kitsune but i am sure she can lead our land. If she turns out spoilt and weak i want you all to erase her memory of our land, though thats not necessary. I know she will make a great leader, after she stands down as leader. I will take the title of clan head once again, i will regain all of my chakra in 10 years, including the half the shinigami took, she will be the only human leader who will rule us. Is that understood?

The foxes were shocked, it was unheard of a human leader in the summoning realms. It was usually the most powerful animal between their species, a human will rule the kitsune realm one day and though the foxes were unsure of the idea. They followed their master's instructions and they will make sure nanami will get the love and training she deserves.

After Kurama had said his speech, the chakra began to disappear. After a couple of minutes of thinking Kiyomi took the initiative and said "i will take the girl to my home for now, you guys wait for Yuudai to return and spread the message to him and the other foxes" 

The other foxes agreed and they started to scatter to announce the great return of kurama, Yuudai was still missing so, Toshi the 7 tailed fox waited at the fox council room for Yuudai to return.

That's all for chapter three, i am looking for some ideas for the following chapters because i spent 2 days just to think what i can write. So some ideas would be appreciated :) .

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