Part - 43

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Parvati was sitting in her cabin propped up her chin with her elbow on the table. Her mind was occupied with the thoughts of Suyash. His words had touched her heart deeply. She felt a little overwhelmed by the depth of his love for her. 

Does he really love her so much that he cannot stay upset with her even after knowing she aborted his baby?

Yet again she had an aching urge to accept him back in her life. She sighed at her patheticness for longing for the man who had cheated on her. 

A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. "Yes, come in," she said, composing herself. 

SD walked in. "Hi, I hope you are free at the moment?"

Parvati nodded her head indicating that she could spare a few minutes for him. 

"I want to talk to you about Suyash," SD said, taking his seat.

"SD, if you are here to defend him or justify his acts then I'm sorry I'm least interested in the topic and you may leave," Parvati said.

"Why don't you forget what happened? It is not that of a big issue…"

"Not a big issue?!" Parvati cut him in, angrily. "Unbelievable! After all you are his brother, what can I expect from you."

"Parvati, listen to me. He really loves you…"

"If he loved me he wouldn't have looked at other women!"

"Oh heck! I can't believe that I and Suyash fought over a woman like you!" SD said, feeling annoyed with Parvati who was not even willing to listen to him.

"Mind your words, SD!" She said, frowning at him, and leaned forward as curiosity took over her. "And what do you mean you two fought over me?" 

"As you know I used to like you…" awkwardness brewed between them when SD said that. Anyway he didn't hesitate from informing her that in spite of her rejection he did not lose hope of winning her heart, and how Suyash assured him that her and Suyash's marriage would be in name only to help her but ended up loving her which made him furious. He confronted Suyash regarding the betrayal that led to an argument between the two and he ended up hitting Suyash. 

Parvati recollected the day when they came back home early from their respective companies to spend time with each other and she inquired about the bruise on his face but he didn't tell her the truth. It was the very next day after she and Suyash had accepted each other and consummated their marriage.

She pressed her lips to suppress her smile, feeling a sense of pride over the fact that two men were fighting over her. 

"Anyway, that was past, now I have moved on and am happy in my life but Suyash is not at all happy. He's so heartbroken after losing you that he tried to end his life."

"What!?" Parvati gasped, utterly shocked by what SD had informed her. 

"Yesterday he tried to shoot himself with his pistol but fortunately at that time I went to his home for a casual chat with him and I was able to stop him from taking any drastic step. If I wasn't there at the right time he would have been long dead by now," SD said.

Her stomach churned at the mere thought of seeing Suyash dead. Her eyes moistened as the disturbing imaginary picture of Suyash's death formed in her head. She would never want to witness such an agonizing sight in her life. She quickly shut her mind from the upsetting thoughts. 

"SD, please excuse me. I have a meeting to attend," Parvati said, hiding her emotions in front of SD and  her secretary who had walked into the cabin after knocking the door to remind her of the meeting scheduled with Suyash.

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