Chapter 4

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"Do you think my ass looks squished?" Jasmine asked as she turned to look at herself in my full length mirror.

I took my attention away from my make up, giving her a once over. "Nope, looking pretty pert and plump to me."

She smiled and continued to eyeball herself and finished adding the last few touches to her appearance.

"So who's the guy that owns this gallery? Is he rich?" Jasmine walked up next to me and plopped down on my counter to face me. "Is he cute?" She inquired seriously. I tried to hold in my laugh while blending in my eyeshadow to prevent from making a mess on my eyelid.

"I don't know, I've never met him. He's one of Theo's work friends. He just told me to come and then I asked if I could bring a plus one."

"Pft, at the last minute." She scoffed.

"Yes, at the very last minute so please, please, PLEASE be on your best behavior and try not to scare the rich people, okay?"

"Yes, mom."

"Splendid. Now, how do I look?" I asked, looking over myself in the mirror. Makeup wasn't quite my forte but whenever I applied it on myself, I always tried my very best.

"Like a 'fuck me' sign."

"Great, are you ready?"

"For whatever."


By the time we made it to the gallery, there were hundreds of cars parked around the building and the crowd was growing by the second. I was under the assumption that this would be a small gathering of sorts, but clearly I was wrong.

Valet walked over to my car as I pulled up to the entrance and Jasmine and I were delighted as the gentleman opened the door for us both and helped us out by hand. Whoever hired them really knew good customer service. I'd have to mention it, later.

I snaked my arm through Jasmine's and led her to the door, noticing that Theo was waiting off to the side as he puffed out the menthol-scented exhalation through his nostrils.

"Hey!" He greeted enthusiastically, putting out his cigarette and shuffling over to us to engulf me in an embrace. He then leaned over to pull Jasmine into a side hug. "You guys look amazing."

Jasmine hummed nonchalantly and curtsied. "It's not like we have to try hard."

"You're right." Theo chuckled in response. "Come on, let me show you both around."

He took me by the hand and ushered us into the gallery, graciously gliding through all of the bodies in attendance with little to no effort. We were offered wine in flutes on golden trays as we swept across the floor, which we all gladly took.

I took in some of the art along the walls and the large and intimidating architectural projects scattered amongst the floor. Whoever owned this had impeccable taste and a great eye, I wouldn't doubt that he probably had a few of his own hidden gems in here as well.

"I want you guys to meet the mastermind behind this place, one second."

I watched as Theo gingerly placed his hand on a brunette man's shoulder. The two engaged in a brief exchange before laughing and turning towards us. Once they got closer, Theo extended his hand out to me to wave me over. "I'd like y'all to meet my friend. He threw this whole thing together."

"Oh my God." I heard Jasmine whisper.

"I know right." I mumbled back. 

This man was so attractive. He had rich chocolate hair, littered with golden strands, smooth pale skin and a striking pair of dark hazel eyes. So rich and lustrous that there was no way to not get lost in them. I'm sure I spent a minute or two looking for his pupil in those pools of near-cocoa perfection.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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